1.2. The basic instructions on repairIf the floor jack is used, we recommend to meet following conditions and precautions.
Park the car out of the blue, block forward or back wheels, establish a jack to a body, lift the car and prop up its racks, then repair.
Before repair carrying out disconnect "the negative" plug of the storage battery properly to exclude damages and
- обгорания from short circuit.
Use a special cover for protection of seats, a floor of the car against damages and pollution.
Cautiously fill in a brake liquid and antifreeze as they at пролитии can damage a paint and varnish covering.
Correct application of necessary tools — an indispensable condition of effective and reliable performance of repair.
Use original spare parts DEU the Motor and UzDeU of a car.
Get rid of the used linings, fingers, rings, epiploons etc. Prepare new similar details for replacement. Working capacity before the used details cannot be restored.
Store the disassembled details groups for correct and convenient assemblage.
Store the removed fixing bolts and nuts together on their rigidity depending on installation position.
Before check and assemblage clean details, and also clear oil details.
Use a stream of compressed air to make sure that all channels and apertures pure.
Oil rotating and rubbing surfaces of details before installation.
When it is necessary, use уплотнители on linings for prevention of leaks.
Attentively study all specifications on the moments of inhalings of bolts and nuts.
When all repair work is ended, make control check to be convinced of correctness of elimination of malfunction.