10.2.1. The design description
The prevention
Do not try to change a seat site, changing the device of adjustment of position of a seat. Change of position of a seat can be reflected in work of mechanisms of a seat.
The car is equipped by forward seats with a low back and demountable headrests, and also a collapsible three-local back seat. The divided collapsible back is an option. Pillows and backs of seats have formed пенорезиновую a basis filling contours of panels of frameworks of a pillow and a back. It is impossible to change position of places of fastening a sled of a seat concerning a floor, and also position of places of fastening of a framework of a seat rather a sled.
The moments of an inhaling of bolts of fastening of seats are resulted in tab. 10.1.
Table 10.1 the Moments of an inhaling of elements of system of heating and ventilation, Нм
Bolts of fastening of forward seats
Bolts of fastening of a back seat
Bolts of fastening of a back of a seat
Fig. 10.22. Elements of a forward seat: 1 — a pillow; 2 — a back; 3 — a headrest; 4 — the directing plug; 5 — a back skeleton; 6 — the mechanism of an inclination of a back; 7 — a pillow skeleton; 8 — the button of the mechanism of an inclination of a back; 9 — a casing of a forward seat; 10 — directing a sled
Elements of a forward seat are shown on
Fig. 10.23. Elements of a back seat: 1 — a loop of a back seat; 2 — a back of a back seat; 3 — a skeleton of a back seat; 4 lock of a back seat; 5 — a loop of a back seat; 6 — a pillow of a back seat; 7 — the button of blocking of a back; 8 — the plug; 9 — a traction loop of a back pillow
Forward seat in gathering
Disconnect a wire of "weight" from the storage battery.
Remove a forward seat in a following order:
- Shift a forward seat against the stop forward;
Fig. 10.24. An arrangement of bolts (1) fastenings of a sled, an electric socket (2) control lamps of a belt; a direction of removal of a forward seat (3)
- Turn out bolts 1 ( fig. 10.24) fastenings of a back part of a sled of a forward seat to a floor;
- Shift a forward seat against the stop back;
- Turn out bolts of fastening of a forward part of a sled of a forward seat to a floor;
- Disconnect an electric socket 2 control lamps of a seat belt;
- Remove a seat 3.
Connect an electric socket of a lamp of a seat belt.
Establish a forward seat and fix bolts, having tightened their moment 23—28 Нм.
Connect "a weight" wire to the storage battery.
Extend a headrest upwards against the stop.
Fig. 10.25. Removal of a headrest of a forward seat
Insert a small screw-driver with a flat edge at the left into an aperture of the directing plug and extend a headrest, moving it to the left ( fig. 10.25).
Establish a headrest in directing plugs and press down to fixing.
Back of a forward seat
Disconnect a wire of "weight" from the storage battery.
Remove a forward seat in gathering.
Fig. 10.26. An arrangement of the screw (1) fastenings of the button (2) mechanisms of an inclination of a back of a forward seat
Turn away the screw 1 ( fig. 10.26) and remove the button 2 mechanisms of an inclination of a back of a forward seat.
Fig. 10.27. An arrangement of the screw (1) fastenings of a casing (2) forward seats
Remove the mechanism of an inclination of a back of a forward seat in a following order:
Fig. 10.28. An arrangement of bolts (1 and 3) fastenings of the mechanism of an inclination of a back of a forward seat and pulling together rings (2) covers of a back
- Remove pulling together rings 2 covers of a back;
- Remove a back cover;
- Turn away bolts of 3 backs;
- Remove the mechanism of an inclination of a back of a forward seat.
Fig. 10.29. An arrangement of a bolt (1) fastenings of a back in gathering (2) to a seat pillow
Turn away a bolt 1 ( fig. 10.29) and remove a back in gathering 2 from a seat pillow .
Establish a back in gathering and fix bolts.
Establish the mechanism of an inclination and fix bolts.
Establish a cover and fix pulling together rings.
Establish the button of the mechanism of an inclination and a casing and fix screws.
Establish a forward seat in gathering.
Connect "a weight" wire to the storage battery.
Pillow of a forward seat
Disconnect a wire of "weight" from the storage battery.
Remove a forward seat in gathering.
Remove a seat belt buckle.
Turn away the screw 1 ( fig. 10.26 see ) and remove the button 2 mechanisms of an inclination of a back of a forward seat.
Remove a pillow of a forward seat in a following order:
Fig. 10.30. An arrangement of bolts of fastening of a pillow (1) forward seats (3) and backs (2)
- Turn away bolts 1 ( fig. 10.30) pillow fastenings;
- Turn away a bolt of 2 fastenings of a back;
Establish a pillow of a forward seat and tighten bolts of fastening of the mechanism of an inclination and a seat back .
Establish the button and a casing of the mechanism of an inclination of a back and fix screws.
Establish a seat belt buckle.
Establish a forward seat in gathering.
Connect "a weight" wire to the storage battery.
Sled of a forward seat
Disconnect a wire of "weight" from the storage battery.
Remove a forward seat in gathering.
Fig. 10.31. An arrangement of bolts (1) fastenings of a sled (2) forward seats
Establish a sled and fix bolts.
Establish a forward seat in gathering.
Connect "a weight" wire to the storage battery.
Back and pillow of a back seat
Remove a back of a back seat in a following order:
Fig. 10.32. Removal of a back of a back seat: 1 — the button of the lock for an unblocking of a back of a back seat; 2 — bolts of fastening of loops of a back of a back seat; 3 — a back of a back seat
- Having pulled upwards the button 1 ( fig. 10.32) the lock, unblock a back of a back seat;
- Turn away bolts of 2 fastenings of loops of a back;
- Remove a back 3 back seats.
Fig. 10.33. An arrangement of bolts (1) and a direction (2) removals of a pillow of a back seat
Establish a pillow of a back seat and fix bolts, having tightened their moment 23—28 Нм.
Establish a back of a back seat, screw bolts of fastening of loops and tighten their moment 23—28 Нм.
Latch of a back of a back seat
Remove a back of a back seat in gathering.
Fig. 10.34. A direction of a reversing of the button (1) locks from a back of a back seat
Turn out and remove the button of 1 lock from a back of a back seat ( fig. 10.34).
Remove a cover of a back of a back seat from a skeleton.
Fig. 10.35. An arrangement of bolts (1) fastenings of the lock (2) to a skeleton of a back seat
Turn out bolts 1 ( fig. 10.35) and remove the lock 2 from a skeleton of a back seat.
Will put the lock and fix bolts to a back of a back seat.
Establish a cover on a back skeleton.
Screw the lock button.
Establish a back of a back seat in gathering.