5.2.2. Repair of a forward suspension bracketRepair of an amortisation rack
Open a cowl.
Fig. 5.2. An arrangement пополнительного a tank of the amplifier of a steering (1) and nuts (2) fastenings of an amortisation rack from outside the forward passenger
On cars with the steering amplifier remove пополнительный a tank with a liquid 1 ( fig. 5.2).
Turn away a nut of 2 fastenings of the top part of an amortisation rack from outside the forward passenger.
Fig. 5.3. An arrangement of a bolt (1) fastenings of the block of safety locks (2) and nuts (3) fastenings of an amortisation rack from outside the driver
Turn out a bolt 1 ( fig. 5.3) and remove the block of safety locks 2.
Turn away a nut of 3 fastenings of the top part of an amortisation rack from outside the driver.
Remove the bottom part of an amortisation rack from a rotary fist in a following order:
- Lift the car;
- Remove a wheel;
Fig. 5.4. Fastening of a brake hose (2) in an arm (1) and an arrangement of nuts and bolts (3) fastenings of an arm of an amortisation rack
- Disconnect a brake hose 2 ( fig. 5.4) from an arm 1;
- Turn out nuts and bolts of 3 fastenings of an arm of an amortisation rack.
Remove an amortisation rack in gathering from the car.
Fig. 5.5. Use of the special adaptation 09940—71430 for spring compression
By means of the special adaptation 09940—71430 compress a spring that it has departed from the top part of a rack ( fig. 5.5). At use of the special adaptation for compression of springs spring coils are necessary for grasping reliably, a spring to compress from opposite sides.
The prevention
The spring has very big effort of compression, therefore use only very reliable tool. At all do not connect a spring a wire.
Fig. 5.6. An arrangement of the central nut (1) fastenings of a rod of the shock-absorber
Fix an amortisation rack in a vice with soft sponges. Not to damage a rack, do not tighten a vice very strongly. Turn out the central nut 1 ( fig. 5.6) fastenings of a rod of the shock-absorber.
Fig. 5.7. An amortisation rack of a forward suspension bracket: 1 — an internal support of an amortisation rack; 2 — fastening of an amortisation rack; 3 — a saddle of fastening of an amortisation rack; 4 — a saddle of the bearing of a rack; 5 — the bearing of an amortisation rack; 6 — the top saddle of a spring; 7 — a spring saddle; 8 — the buffer
Remove an internal support 1 ( fig. 5.7) an amortisation rack.
Remove fastening 2 amortisation racks in gathering.
Remove a saddle of 3 fastenings of an amortisation rack.
Remove a saddle 4 bearings of a rack.
Remove the bearing 5 amortisation racks.
Remove the top saddle of 6 springs.
Remove a saddle of 7 springs. Check up a condition of a rubber nest of a spring on absence of stratification and hardening; if necessary, replace it.
Remove a spring with the adaptation for compression of a spring and place in a safe place.
Remove the buffer 8.
At installation it is necessary to use on one axis of the car of a spring with identical technical characteristics (with identical marks on colour).
Examine the case and a shock-absorber rod. On the case there should not be mechanical damages, on a rod — corrosion traces. Establish the shock-absorber in vertical position and check up its work, moving a rod at full capacity, and also upwards and downwards for the length of 50-100 mm. In all cases the shock-absorber rod should move smoothly, with notable resistance. If the shock-absorber rod moves jerky or there are mechanical damages, it is necessary to replace the shock-absorber.
Check up absence of leaks absorber liquids. Are supposed small подтекание oils at preservation of normal working capacity of the shock-absorber. If the stain of the liquid which have flowed out from the shock-absorber, extends only to the bottom support of a spring, it is normal. At insignificant подтекании liquids from the shock-absorber the sealing ring of a rod of the shock-absorber that increases term of its service is greased.
In the presence of strong leaks of a liquid it is necessary to replace the shock-absorber.
Fix the shock-absorber in a vice with soft sponges.
Put forward a shock-absorber rod for all length and establish on it the rubber buffer. Establish a cylindrical spring that its bottom end has settled down in dredging in the bottom part of a nest of a spring.
Establish a spring saddle, the top saddle of a spring, the bearing of an amortisation rack, a bearing saddle, a saddle of fastening of an amortisation rack, fastening of an amortisation rack and an internal support.
Screw on a rod the central nut and tighten its moment 50—60 Нм.
Remove the adaptation for spring compression.
Fig. 5.8. At installation of a spring the end of a spring with the big diameter should be directed to the top part of a rack (1) and the spring ends should settle down correctly in dredging of nests of a spring (2)
Check up correctness of installation of a spring ( fig. 5.8). The spring ends arrange in dredging of nests of a spring. The end of a spring with the big diameter should be directed to the top part of a rack.
Establish an amortisation rack on the car.
From under a wing establish a rack into place and insert hairpins of the top fastening of a rack into apertures in a body. By hand screw nuts of the top fastening of a rack. Installation of a rack of a forward suspension bracket is desirable for spending with the assistant, as it heavy and bulky.
Connect the bottom part of a rack to a rotary fist and insert 2 bolts, screw nuts and tighten their moment 70—90 Нм.
Connect a brake hose to an arm.
Lower the car.
Tighten nuts of the top fastening of a rack the moment 18—28 Нм.
Establish пополнительный a tank with a liquid of the amplifier of a steering.
Establish the block of safety locks and fix its bolt.
Check up and if necessary adjust corners of installation of forward wheels.
Repair of a rotary fist
Fig. 5.9. A place зачеканки (1) nuts (2) and washers (3) fastenings of a shaft of a drive to a nave of a forward wheel
Fix a nave of a forward wheel pressing a brake pedal, unbend a fillet 1 ( fig. 5.9) and turn away a nut of 2 fastenings of a shaft of a drive to a nave of a forward wheel. Remove a washer 3.
Remove a wheel.
Separate a tip of steering draught from a rotary fist in a following order:
Fig. 5.10. An arrangement шплинта (1), корончатой nuts (2) and use of a stripper of KM 507-in for expression of a pin of the spherical hinge from a rotary fist
- Turn on корончатую a nut 2;
- KM stripper 507-in squeeze out a finger of the spherical hinge from a rotary fist.
Fig. 5.11. An arrangement of a fixing bolt (1) fastenings of the lever (2) with a spherical finger
Turn out fixing bolt 1 ( fig. 5.11) and remove the lever 2 with a spherical finger from a rotary fist in gathering.
Remove a support of a forward brake from a rotary fist.
Fig. 5.12. An arrangement of bolts (1) fastenings of an arm of an amortisation rack to a rotary fist (2)
Turn out bolts 1 ( fig. 5.12) fastenings of an arm of an amortisation rack to a rotary fist, separate a rotary fist in gathering from a shaft of a drive and remove it from the car.
Remove a rotary fist in gathering.
Fig. 5.13. An arrangement of bolts of fastening of a nave of a wheel
Turn out bolts of fastening of a nave of a wheel ( fig. 5.13).
Fig. 5.14. Use of stripper DW 0340—010 (1) for removal of a nave from a rotary fist and an arrangement распорной plugs (2) bearings and a brake disk (3)
Stripper DW 0340-010 1 ( fig. 5.14) remove a nave from a rotary fist.
Remove распорную the plug 2 bearings.
Fig. 5.15. Use of stripper DW 0340—010 (1) and the holder of a basic plate of the bearing of differential DW 220—020А—04 for removal of the bearing of a wheel from a nave
Stripper DW 220—020А—01 1 ( fig. 5.15) and the holder of a basic plate of the bearing of differential DW 220—020А—04 remove the bearing of a wheel from a nave.
Fig. 5.16. Removal of an epiploon (1) from a nave
Remove an epiploon 1 ( fig. 5.16) from a nave. At installation use a new epiploon.
Fig. 5.17. Removal of an epiploon (1) and the bearing (2) wheels from a rotary fist
Remove an epiploon 1 ( fig. 5.17) from a rotary fist.
Remove the bearing of 2 wheels from a rotary fist.
Fig. 5.18. Use of a hammer and a screw-driver for removal of an external ring (1) bearings
Hammer and screw-driver remove an external ring 1 ( fig. 5.18) the bearing.
Fig. 5.19. Use of a hammer and a screw-driver for removal of an internal ring (1) bearings
Hammer and screw-driver remove an internal ring 1 ( fig. 5.19) the bearing.
Fig. 5.20. Use of stripper DW of 034-010 (1) naves of a forward wheel and tool DW 034—020 for installation of an internal ring of the forward bearing
Using stripper DW 034-010 1 ( fig. 5.20) naves of a forward wheel and the tool for installation of a ring of forward bearing DW 034—020, establish an internal ring of the bearing.
Fig. 5.21. Use of stripper DW of 034-010 (1) naves of a forward wheel and tool DW 034—020 for installation of an external ring of the forward bearing
Using stripper DW 034-010 1 ( fig. 5.21) naves of a forward wheel and tool DW 034—020, establish an external ring of the bearing.
Fig. 5.22. Installation of the external bearing (1) wheels and an external epiploon (2) bearings
Establish the external bearing 1 ( fig. 5.22) wheels.
Establish an external epiploon 2 bearings.
Establish a wheel nave on a rotary fist in gathering in a following order:
Fig. 5.23. Installation of a brake disk (1) both naves (2) and use of a stripper of forward nave DW 034—010 (3) and tool DW 034—030 for запрессовки the bearing in a wheel nave
- Temporarily establish a nave of 2 wheels on a rotary fist in gathering;
- Using a stripper of forward nave DW 034-010 3 and tool DW 034—030, запрессуйте the bearing in a wheel nave;
Fig. 5.24. An arrangement of bolts (1) fastenings of a nave
- Tighten bolts 1 ( fig. 5.24) the moment 65 Нм;
- Establish распорную the bearing plug;
Fig. 5.25. Use of a stripper of forward nave DW 034—010 (1) and tool DW 034—030 for запрессовки the internal bearing in a wheel nave
- Using a stripper of forward nave DW 034-010 1 ( fig. 5.25) and tool DW 034—030, запрессуйте the internal bearing in a wheel nave.
Establish an internal epiploon of the bearing of a wheel.
Establish a rotary fist in gathering on the car.
Installation of a rotary fist spend to sequences, return to removal.
Fig. 5.26. An arrangement and the moments of a tightening of bolts (1) fastenings of an arm of an amortisation rack to a rotary fist and a bolt (2) fastenings of a finger of the spherical hinge of the bottom lever
Establish a rotary fist, and fix bolts 1 ( fig. 5.26) an arm of an amortisation rack, having tightened their moment 70—90 Нм.
Establish a brake support on a rotary fist.
Establish the lever with the spherical hinge in a rotary fist and fix a bolt 2, having tightened its moment 50—70 Нм.
Establish a tip of steering draught on a rotary fist and fix a nut, having tightened its moment 30—55 Нм and fix шплинтом.
Screw a new nut of fastening of a shaft of a drive to a nave of a forward wheel, tighten its moment 210 Нм and hammer in a nut fillet into a shaft groove.
Removal and installation of the longitudinal lever and the stabilizer
Remove the forward bottom longitudinal lever in a following order:
- Lift the car;
- Remove a forward wheel;
- Remove the bottom protective casing of a transmission;
Fig. 5.27. An arrangement of a bolt (1) and nuts (2) fastenings of the bottom longitudinal lever of a forward suspension bracket
- Turn out a bolt 1 ( fig. 5.27) fastenings of the forward bottom longitudinal lever;
- Turn away a nut of 2 fastenings of the forward bottom longitudinal lever;
Fig. 5.28. An arrangement of a bolt (1) fastenings of the stabilizer
- Turn out bolts 1 ( fig. 5.28) stabilizer fastenings;
- Remove the forward bottom longitudinal lever.
Remove the stabilizer in a following order:
Fig. 5.29. An arrangement шплинта (1), корончатой nuts (2), washers (3) and the back plug (4) fastenings of the stabilizer
- Turn on корончатую a nut 2;
- Remove a washer 3;
- Remove the back plug 4, separating the stabilizer from the lever with the spherical hinge;
Fig. 5.30. An arrangement of the plug (1), clips (2) and support (3) stabilizers
- Remove clips 2;
- Remove support of the stabilizer 3.
Installation of the longitudinal lever and the stabilizer spend to sequences, return to removal.
Fig. 5.31. At installation of support of the stabilizer arrange their cut forward
At installation of support of the stabilizer arrange their cut forward ( fig. 5.31).
Establish the stabilizer on the car. Screw корончатые nuts of the stabilizer and tighten their moment 40—50 Нм. Establish шплинт.
Establish the forward bottom longitudinal lever.
Fig. 5.32. An arrangement and the moments of a tightening of bolts (1) fastenings of support of the stabilizer
Screw bolts 1 ( fig. 5.32) fastenings of support of the stabilizer and tighten their moment 10—14 Нм.
Screw a bolt of fastening of the forward bottom longitudinal lever and tighten its moment 10—14 Нм.
Screw a nut of fastening of the forward bottom longitudinal lever and tighten its moment 65—80 Нм.
Removal and installation of the lever from the spherical hinge
Remove the stabilizer.
Remove the lever with the spherical hinge in a following order:
Fig. 5.33. An arrangement of a bolt (1) fastenings of a finger of the spherical hinge of the lever (2)
- Using mount, separate the lever with the spherical hinge 2 from a rotary fist;
Fig. 5.34. An arrangement of a bolt (1) fastenings of the lever
- Remove the lever with the spherical hinge.
Installation of the lever with the spherical hinge spend to sequences, return to removal.
Screw a bolt of fastening of the lever with the spherical hinge and tighten its moment 55—70 Нм.
Screw a nut of fastening of a finger of the spherical hinge of the lever and tighten its moment 50—70 Нм.
Establish the stabilizer.
Removal and installation of a basic beam
Open a cowl.
Remove a basic beam from the car in a following order:
Fig. 5.35. An arrangement of the control valve (1), nuts (2) fastenings of an arm of a tube of low pressure of the conditioner and bolts (3) fastenings of a basic beam from outside the forward passenger
- Turn away a nut of 2 fastenings of an arm of a tube of low pressure of the conditioner of air to a basic beam;
- Turn out bolts of 3 fastenings of a basic beam from outside the forward passenger;
Fig. 5.36. An arrangement of bolts (1) fastenings of a basic beam from outside the driver
- Turn out bolts 1 ( fig. 5.36) fastenings of a basic beam from outside the driver;
- Remove a basic beam from outside the forward passenger.
Establish a basic beam on the car.
Screw bolts of fastening of a basic beam from outside the driver.
Screw bolts of fastening of a basic beam from outside the forward passenger.
Screw a nut of fastening of an arm of a tube of low pressure to a basic beam.
Tighten bolts of fastening of a basic beam the moment 35—55 Нм.
Establish the control valve on a basic beam.
Removal and installation of the cross-section lever
Remove a protective casing of a transmission.
Remove the forward bottom cross-section lever.
Fig. 5.37. An arrangement of a bolt and a fastening nut амортизирующей plugs
Turn away a bolt and a fastening nut амортизирующей plugs ( fig. 5.37).
Disconnect tubes of pressure of the amplifier of a steering from the cross-section lever.
Remove the cross-section lever from the car in a following order:
- Establish a jack under the cross-section lever;
- Turn out screws of fixing of a bumper;
Fig. 5.38. An arrangement of back and lateral bolts of fastening of the cross-section lever
- Turn out lateral bolts 2;
- Lower a jack and remove the cross-section lever from the car.
Fig. 5.39. An arrangement of bolts of fastening (1, 2) forward амортизирующей plugs to the cross-section lever
Turn away bolts and remove forward амортизирующую the plug from the cross-section lever ( fig. 5.39).
Installation of the cross-section lever spend to sequences, return to removal.
Fig. 5.40. An arrangement and the moments of a tightening of bolts (1 and 2) fastenings амортизирующей plugs
Establish forward амортизирующую the plug on the cross-section lever and fix bolts ( fig. 5.40).
Establish the cross-section lever on the car and fix bolts, having tightened their moment 17—27 Нм.
Establish forward амортизирующую the plug on the car and fix a bolt and a nut, having tightened their moment 68—83 Нм.
Establish the forward bottom longitudinal lever.