10.7.1. The design descriptionRoof
The roof is one whole painted metal part of the body, including two молдинга — on one from each party of a roof of the car.
Молдинги fence and hide seams and joints and are served (replaced) as a separate detail.
The internal upholstery of a roof consists of the basis covered with a fabric. The uniform design demands upholstery replacement as finished assembly unit.
Sun-protection peak
The sun-protection peak turns round horizontal and vertical axes for closing from a sunlight. It also moves aside at a detachment from a support.
The handle for the passenger
This handle is additional for the passenger sitting near to the driver. Passengers can use this handle for preservation of steady position at movement on rough road or at sharp turns.
The hook is fixed to an internal upholstery over the back left passenger; it is located near to the handle for the passenger.
Fig. 10.101. An arrangement and fastening of elements молдинга and arches on a car roof: 1 — decorative молдинг; 2 — молдинг; 3 — an arch arm; 4 — an arch lining; 5 — a cover; 6 — an arch
The arrangement and fastening of elements молдинга and an arch on a car roof is shown on fig. 10.101.