10.8.2. Removal and installation of seat beltsSeat belts of forward seats
Shift a forward seat forward and combine a seat back .
Fig. 10.106. An arrangement of a bolt (1), the plug and a fibre washer (2) fastenings of a seat belt
Turn out a bolt 1 ( fig. 10.106) in the bottom of an average rack and remove распорную the plug and a fibre washer 2.
Remove the plastic protective adaptation on a seat belt anchor.
Remove the bottom upholstery of an average rack.
Fig. 10.107. The top fastening of a seat belt to an average rack: 1 — a cover; 2 — a bolt; 3 — распорная the plug and a fibre washer
Screw-driver edge uncover 1 ( fig. 10.107) a bolt 2 top fastenings of a seat belt to an average rack.
Remove распорную the plug and a fibre washer 3 top fastenings of a seat belt to an average rack.
For access to натяжителю turn away a carpet covering of a floor.
Fig. 10.108. Fastening натяжителя a seat belt: 1 — a bolt; 2 — a fibre washer
Turn out a bolt 1 ( fig. 10.108) fastenings натяжителя a seat belt.
Remove натяжитель a seat belt and a fibre washer 2.
The note
Contact of surfaces from different metals can lead to fast corrosion. Be convinced of application of appropriate inhalings in order to avoid premature corrosion.
Installation of a seat belt of a forward seat spend to sequences, return to removal.
Establish распорную the plug and a fibre washer of the top fastening of a seat belt to an average rack. Tighten a bolt of the top fastening of a seat belt the moment 30—45 Нм.
Establish натяжитель a seat belt and fix a bolt, having tightened its moment 30—45 Нм.
Establish распорную the plug and a fibre washer of the bottom fastening of a seat belt to the basis of an average rack. Tighten a bolt of the bottom fastening of a seat belt the moment 30—45 Нм.
Establish the plastic protective adaptation on a seat belt anchor.
Return a seat back on a former place.
Buckle of a seat belt of a forward seat
Remove a buckle of a seat belt of a forward seat in a following order:
Fig. 10.109. The Seat belt of a forward seat: 1 — a bolt; 2 — a buckle; 3 — an overlay
- Remove a buckle 2;
- Remove an overlay 3.
Before removal of a buckle of a seat belt of the driver disconnect a socket of a control lamp.
Establish an overlay and a buckle of a seat belt of a forward seat and fix a bolt, having tightened its moment 30—45 Нм.
Connect a socket of a control lamp.
Seat belts of back seats with АБН
Remove a pillow and a back of a back seat.
Remove the back panel of an upholstery.
Remove the lateral panel of a luggage compartment.
Fig. 10.110. Fastening of a seat belt of a back seat: 1 — a bolt; 2 — the plug and a fibre washer
Turn out a bolt 1 ( fig. 10.110) the bottom fastening of a seat belt and remove распорную the plug and a fibre washer 2.
Remove the plastic accident protection device on a seat belt anchor.
Remove the panel of a luggage compartment.
Fig. 10.111. Fastening of the top seat belt of a back seat: 1 — a cover; 2 — a bolt; 3 — распорная the plug, plastic and fibre washers
Screw-driver edge open a cover 1 ( fig. 10.111) a bolt of the top fastening of a seat belt of a back seat.
Turn out a bolt 2 and remove распорную the plug, plastic and a fibre washer 3 top seat belts of a back seat.
Fig. 10.112. Fastening натяжителя a seat belt of a back seat: 1 — a bolt; 2 — a fibre washer
Turn out a bolt 1 ( fig. 10.112), remove a fibre washer of 2 fastenings натяжителя a seat belt.
Remove a seat belt of a back seat.
Installation of seat belts of back seats with АБН spend to sequences, return to removal.
Screw and tighten a bolt of the top fastening of a seat belt and tighten its moment 30—45 Нм.
Screw and tighten a fastening bolt натяжителя a seat belt and tighten its moment 30—45 Нм.
Screw and tighten a bolt of the bottom fastening of a seat belt and tighten its moment 30—45 Нм.
Seat belts of back seats with point-to-point fastening
Remove a pillow of a back seat.
Remove a seat belt with point-to-point fastening and a buckle in a following order:
Fig. 10.113. Seat belt fastening (for point-to-point fastening) a back seat: 1 — a bolt and a fibre washer; 2 — a seat belt; 3 — a buckle, a bolt and a fibre washer; 4 — a buckle (for point-to-point and three-dot fastening)
- Turn out a bolt and remove a fibre washer 1 ( fig. 10.113);
- Remove a seat belt (for point-to-point fastening) and a buckle (for three-dot fastening) 2;
- Turn out a bolt and remove a fibre washer 3;
- Remove a buckle (for point-to-point fastening and for three-dot fastening) 4.
Installation of a seat belt of a back seat spend to sequences, return to removal.
Establish a buckle of a seat belt with three-dot fastening, fix a bolt, having tightened its moment 30—45 Нм.
Establish a seat belt with point-to-point fastening, fix a bolt, having tightened its moment 30—45 Нм.