3.4.3. Repair of knots and control system elementsPressure check in fuel system
Fig. 3.169. The scheme of fuel system: 1 — an atomizer; 2 — a fuel framework; 3 — a pressure manometre in fuel system; 4 — a fuel tank; 5 filter; 6 — the fuel pump; 7 — a pressure regulator
The fuel pump is established in a fuel tank ( fig. 3.169 see ) together with the index of level of fuel. The pump will work, while the cranked shaft turns, the engine works and ЭБУ receives signals from the optical gauge in the ignition distributor. If basic impulses are absent, ЭБУ will switch off the pump within two seconds after inclusion of ignition or after an engine stop.
Pressure decline procedure
Uncover the fuel pump;
- Remove a socket of electroconducting from the fuel pump under a pillow of a back seat;
- Start the engine and allow to it to decay;
- Turn a cranked shaft in addition 10 with.
The fuel pump
Fig. 3.170. An arrangement of elements of fuel system: 1 — an adsorber of steams of fuel in gathering; 2 — an adsorber of steams of fuel; 3 — a hose; 4 — a collar; 5 — a vacuum hose; 6 — the solenoid; 7 — a vacuum tube; 8 — an adsorber hose; 9 — an adsorber tube; 10 — a tube of giving of fuel; 11 — a tube of return of fuel; 12 — a tube of giving of fuel; 13 — the fuel filter; 14 — a regulator of pressure of fuel; 15 — a cover of the fuel pump; 16 — the fuel pump; 17 — a lining of the fuel pump; 18 — a tube of ventilation of a fuel tank; 19 — топливоналивная a tube of a fuel tank; 20 — an arm of the fuel filter; 21 — редукционный the valve; 22 — an adsorber tube; 23 — a fuel tank; 24 — an arm of a fuel tank
The arrangement of elements of fuel system is shown on fig. 3.170.
For removal and installation of a lock ring of the fuel pump use tool DW 140—010A.'
The prevention
The fuel system is under pressure. To avoid leak of fuel and risk of reception of damage or a burn, it is necessary to dump pressure in fuel system to a detachment of fuel tubes and hoses.
Dump pressure of fuel in system to atmospheric in a following order:
Fig. 3.171. A direction of removal of a pillow of a back seat (1) and an arrangement лючка (2) fuel pumps
- Start up the engine and remove a pillow of a back seat 1 ( fig. 3.171);
- Remove лючок the fuel pump 2;
Fig. 3.172. An arrangement of a clamp (1) electric sockets (2) fuel pumps
- Release a clamp of an electric socket of the fuel pump 1 ( fig. 3.172);
- Disconnect an electric socket of the fuel pump 2;
- Start up the engine, allow to it to work to a stop caused by absence of fuel;
- Turn a cranked shaft in addition during 10 with.
Disconnect fuel lines from the fuel pump in a following order:
Fig. 3.173. An arrangement of tubes of giving (1) and return (2) fuels in a tank
- Disconnect a tube of giving of fuel 1 ( fig. 3.173);
- Disconnect a tube of return of fuel in a tank 2.
Remove the fuel pump from a fuel tank in a following order:
- Establish the tool for removal/installation of a lock ring of fuel pump DW 140—010A;
Fig. 3.174. Removal of a lock ring (1) fuel pumps tool DW 140—010A
- Turn a lock ring of the fuel pump counter-clockwise 1 ( fig. 3.174);
Fig. 3.175. Removal of the fuel pump (1) and linings (2) fuel pumps
- Remove the fuel pump in gathering 1 ( fig. 3.175);
- Remove a lining of the fuel pump 2.
Installation of the fuel pump spend to sequences, return to removal. Having included ignition, check up that the fuel pump works 2 with.
Regulator of pressure of fuel
The prevention
The fuel system is under pressure. To avoid leak of fuel and risk of reception of damage or a burn, dump pressure in fuel system to a detachment of fuel tubes and hoses.
Dump pressure of fuel in system to the atmospheric.
Fig. 3.176. Removal of a clamp (1) and a regulator of pressure of fuel (2)
Remove a clamp 1 ( fig. 3.176) fastenings of the fuel pump.
Remove a regulator of pressure 2 fuels from the fuel pump.
Vacuum measuring instrument check up a diaphragm on absence of damages and check of work of a spring.
Installation of a regulator of pressure of fuel spend to sequences, return to removal. Replace removed уплотнители with the new.
Fuel tank
The prevention
The fuel system is under pressure. To avoid leak of fuel and risk of reception of damage or a burn, dump pressure in fuel system to a detachment of fuel tubes and hoses.
Remove pressure of fuel in system to the atmospheric.
Fig. 3.177. An arrangement of a collar (1) fastenings of a ventilating tube (2) to a fuel tank
Ослабьте a collar 1 ( fig. 3.177) also disconnect a ventilating tube 2 from a fuel tank.
Merge fuel from a fuel tank in a following order:
- Establish under a fuel tank a reception vessel;
Fig. 3.178. An arrangement of a tube (1) fuel filters, a connecting aperture of a ventilating tube (2) and tubes of an absorber of steams of fuel (3) on a fuel tank
- Disconnect a tube 1 ( fig. 3.178) the fuel filter;
- Merge fuel from a fuel tank, using a connecting aperture of a ventilating tube 2;
- Disconnect a tube of an absorber of steams of fuel 3.
Remove the fuel filter.
Establish a jack under the centre of a fuel tank.
Fig. 3.179. An arrangement of bolts (1) fastenings of laths (2) supports of a fuel tank
Turn out bolts 1 ( fig. 3.179) and remove laths of 2 supports of a fuel tank.
Remove a fuel tank in a following order:
Fig. 3.180. An arrangement of a jack of support of a fuel tank (1) and a hose (2) absorbers of steams of fuel
- Slowly lower a jack for removal of a fuel tank 1 ( fig. 3.180);
- Disconnect a hose 2 absorbers of steams of the fuel, connected to редукционному to the valve of a fuel tank.
Check up a fuel tank on absence of cracks, damages and pollution.
Check up fuel lines on absence of a break and damages.
Installation of a regulator of pressure of fuel spend to sequences, return to removal.
After installation end start up the engine for prevention of formation of steam stoppers and check up hoses on absence of leak.
Tighten bolts of fastening of laths of support of a fuel tank the moment till 18-22 Нм.
Fuel stage and atomizers
Fig. 3.181. An arrangement of a fuel stage, gauges and the electronic block of management: 1 — the gauge of absolute pressure in an inlet collector; 2 — a vacuum tube of the gauge of absolute pressure in an inlet collector; 3 — a vacuum hose of the vacuum amplifier of brakes; 4 — a sealing ring of a fuel atomizer; 5 — a fuel atomizer; 6 — a fuel stage; 7 — a cable of a drive throttle заслонки; 8 — the modulator рециркуляции the fulfilled gases; 9 — a tube рециркуляции the fulfilled gases; 10 — the valve рециркуляции the fulfilled gases; 11 — the solenoid; 12 — the valve of the control of idling; 13 — throttle knot; 14 — the gauge of position throttle заслонки; 15 — a hose of an adsorber of steams of fuel; 16 — an arm of the electronic block of management; 17 — the electronic block of management; 18 — a ventilation hose картерных gases; 19 — the ventilation valve картерных gases
The arrangement of a fuel stage, gauges and ЭБУ is shown on fig. 3.181.
The prevention
The fuel system is under pressure. To avoid leak of fuel and risk of reception of damage or a burn, dump pressure in fuel system to a detachment of fuel tubes and hoses.
Dump pressure of fuel in fuel system to the atmospheric.
Fig. 3.182. A place of fastening of a hose (1) givings of fuel to a fuel stage
Fig. 3.183. An arrangement of electric sockets (1) fuel atomizers
Disconnect electric sockets 1 ( fig. 3.183) from fuel atomizers.
Fig. 3.184. An arrangement of bolts (1) fastenings of a fuel stage (2) with atomizers
Turn out bolts 1 ( fig. 3.184) and remove a fuel stage with the attached atomizers.
The note
Before removal the fuel stage in gathering can be cleared a preparation of aerosol type. Do not immerse a fuel stage in clearing liquid. Be cautious at removal of a fuel stage for prevention of damage of electric sockets and apertures for injection. Prevent dirt hit in open tubes and channels. Details should be covered and apertures are closed by stoppers during all holding time.
Fig. 3.185. A direction of removal of a fixing clip (1) fastenings of an atomizer (2) and an arrangement of sealing rings (3)
Remove fixing clips 1 ( fig. 3.185) fuel atomizers and remove fuel atomizers 2, moving them downwards.
Remove sealing rings 3 from fuel atomizers.
The prevention
Various fuel atomizers откалиброваны for various intensity of a stream of fuel. At the order of new fuel atomizers be convinced that identification number of an ordered atomizer coincides with number on an old replaced atomizer.
Installation of a fuel stage and atomizers spend to sequences, return to removal.
If the fuel atomizer is badly fixed on a fuel stage and is in a head of the block of cylinders, replace sealing rings and fixing clip.
Grease a new fuel atomizer with engine oil. Establish new sealing rings on fuel atomizers.
Tighten bolts of fastening of a fuel stage the moment till 18-22 Нм.
Check up absence of leaks in a fuel stage and fuel atomizers.
Adsorber of steams of fuel
The prevention
The adsorber and vacuum hoses contain fuel steams. Do not approach to them with the lighted cigarette or an open flame.
Disconnect from an adsorber a vacuum hose and a hose of tap of steams of fuel.
Remove an adsorber of steams of fuel from an arm.
Disconnect a drain hose from the removed adsorber.
Installation of an adsorber of steams of fuel spend to sequences, return to removal.
The electromagnetic valve of an adsorber of steams of fuel
Fig. 3.186. An arrangement of an electric socket (1) and hoses (2) valves of an adsorber of steams of fuel
Disconnect an electric socket 1 ( fig. 3.186) and hoses 2 valves of an adsorber of steams of fuel.
Fig. 3.187. A direction of removal from an arm of the electromagnetic valve of an adsorber (1)
Disconnect the electromagnetic valve of an adsorber 1 ( fig. 3.187) from an arm and remove it.
Installation of the electromagnetic valve of an adsorber spend to sequences, return to removal.
The gauge of absolute pressure in an inlet collector
Fig. 3.188. A detachment of an electric socket (1) and a vacuum hose (2) from the gauge of absolute pressure in an inlet collector
Disconnect an electric socket 1 ( fig. 3.188) and a vacuum hose 2 from the gauge of absolute pressure in an inlet collector.
Fig. 3.189. An arrangement of nuts (1) and bolts of fastening of the gauge of absolute pressure in an inlet collector (2)
Turn away a nut 1 ( fig. 3.189) and remove the gauge of absolute pressure in an inlet collector together with bolts.
Installation of the gauge of absolute pressure in an inlet collector spend to sequences, return to removal.
Check up a vacuum hose of the gauge of absolute pressure in an inlet collector on absence of punctures and damages.
Tighten bolts/nuts of fastening of the gauge of absolute pressure in an inlet collector the moment to 3,5 Нм.
The valve of the control of idling
Fig. 3.190. An arrangement of an electric socket (1) valves of the control of idling
Disconnect an electric socket 1 ( fig. 3.190) from the valve of the control of idling.
Fig. 3.191. An arrangement of screws (1) fastenings of the valve of the control of idling (2)
Cautiously remove the valve of the control of idling for prevention of damage of a sealing ring in the valve 2.
Remove a dirt round a sealing ring, a saddle of the core of the valve and the channel by means of a corresponding cleaner of fuel system for air passage.
Installation of the valve of the control of idling spend to sequences, return to removal.
Fig. 3.192. A place of measurement of distance between a tip of the core of the valve of the control of idling and a fixing flange
At installation of the new valve of the control of idling, be convinced of replacement by an identical detail. The form and diameter of the core of the valve of the control of idling are designed for special application. Measure distance between a tip of the core of the valve of the control of idling and a fixing flange ( fig. 3.192). If the distance is more 28 mm, slowly pressing a finger the core, return it back. Pressure upon the core should not damage the valve of the control of idling. Size installation in 28 mm is intended to prevent a core arrangement on the maximum removal from a saddle. The size of 28 mm corresponds to installation for management of frequency of rotation of idling at repeated start-up.
Grease a new sealing ring with engine oil.
The gauge of position throttle заслонки
Fig. 3.193. An arrangement of an electric socket (1) gauges of position throttle заслонки
Disconnect an electric socket 1 ( fig. 3.193) from the gauge of position throttle заслонки.
Fig. 3.194. An arrangement of screws (1) fastenings of the gauge of position throttle заслонки (2)
Screw screws 1 ( fig. 3.194) and remove the gauge of 2 positions throttle заслонки.
Installation of the gauge of position throttle заслонки spend to sequences, return to removal.
Throttle knot
Remove the case of the air filter/resonator in gathering and an inlet air branch pipe.
Merge cooling liquid.
Disconnect a cable of a drive throttle заслонки, sockets of the gauge of position throttle заслонки and the valve of the control of idling in a following order:
Fig. 3.195. An arrangement of the lever (1) and a cable (2) drives throttle заслонки and electric sockets of the valve of the control of idling (3) and the gauge of position throttle заслонки (4)
- Having turned the drive lever, open throttle заслонку 1 ( fig. 3.195);
- Disconnect a cable of a drive throttle заслонки 2;
- Disconnect an electric socket of the valve of the control of idling 3;
- Disconnect an electric socket of the gauge of position throttle заслонки 4.
Fig. 3.196. An arrangement of collars (1) and a detachment of branch pipes (2) systems of cooling and a vacuum hose (3) from throttle knot
Ослабьте collars 1 ( fig. 3.196) also disconnect branch pipes of 2 systems of cooling and a vacuum hose 3 from throttle knot.
Remove the valve of the control of idling and the gauge of position throttle заслонки from throttle knot in a following order:
Fig. 3.197. An arrangement of screws of fastening of the valve of the control of idling (1) and the gauge of position throttle заслонки (2)
- Turn out screws and remove the valve of the control of idling 1 ( fig. 3.197);
- Turn out screws and remove the gauge of position throttle заслонки 2.
Fig. 3.198. An arrangement of bolts (1) fastenings of throttle knot (2) and linings (3) throttle knots
Turn out bolts 1 ( fig. 3.198) and remove throttle knot 2 from an inlet collector.
Remove a lining of 3 throttle knots. Check up a lining of the case of throttle knot on absence of deformations and damages.
Installation of throttle knot spend to sequences, return to removal.
Be convinced that the cable of a drive throttle заслонки does not keep throttle заслонку the opened. At the idle engine visually check up that the accelerator pedal moves freely.
Tighten bolts of fastening of throttle knot the moment 9—12 Нм.
The gauge of temperature of air in an inlet collector
Disconnect a wire of "weight" from the storage battery.
Fig. 3.199. An arrangement of an electric socket (1) gauges (2) temperatures of air in an inlet collector
Disconnect an electric socket 1 ( fig. 3.199) and turn out the gauge of 2 temperatures of air in an inlet collector from the case of the air filter.
Installation of the gauge of temperature of air in an inlet collector spend to sequences, return to removal.
Tighten bolts of fastening of the gauge the moment 20—30 Нм.
The oxygen gauge
Remove the case of the air filter/resonator in gathering and an inlet air branch pipe.
Fig. 3.200. An arrangement of an electric socket (1) gauges of oxygen (2)
Disconnect an electric socket 1 ( fig. 3.200) the oxygen gauge. In the gauge of oxygen the wire and an electric socket are fixed tightly. This wire should not act in film from a socket. Damage or wire or socket removal influences work of the gauge of oxygen. Be cautious at work with the oxygen gauge.
Remove the oxygen gauge.
Installation of the gauge of oxygen spend to sequences, return to removal. On a carving of the gauge of oxygen it is put special антипригарный structure from liquid graphite and glass balls. Graphite burns down, and glass balls remain, facilitating gauge removal. New gauges of oxygen already have the structure covering a carving. If the gauge is removed from the engine and if for any reason it will be repeatedly established, it is necessary to cover a carving антипригарным with the structure put before repeated installation.
Tighten the gauge of oxygen the moment till 28-34 Нм.
The valve рециркуляции the fulfilled gases
Remove the case of the air filter.
Fig. 3.201. Removal of a vacuum hose (1) and a hose (2) modulators from the valve рециркуляции the fulfilled gases
Disconnect a vacuum hose from the valve рециркуляции the fulfilled gases 1 ( fig. 3.201).
Disconnect a hose of the modulator 2 from the valve рециркуляции the fulfilled gases.
Fig. 3.202. An arrangement of bolts (1) fastenings of the valve (2) рециркуляции the fulfilled gases
Turn out bolts 1 ( fig. 3.202) and remove the valve 2 рециркуляции the fulfilled gases.
Valve installation рециркуляции the fulfilled gases spend to sequences, return to removal.
Clear привалочную a surface of a head of the block of cylinders.
Establish a new lining of the valve рециркуляции the fulfilled gases.
Establish the valve рециркуляции the fulfilled gases and fix bolts, having tightened their moment 8—10 Нм.
The valve modulator рециркуляции the fulfilled gases
Fig. 3.203. Places of connection of a vacuum hose (2) and a hose of the modulator (3) to the modulator (1) valves рециркуляции the fulfilled gases
Remove the modulator 1 ( fig. 3.203) the valve рециркуляции the fulfilled gases from an arm.
Disconnect a vacuum hose 2 from the modulator.
Disconnect a hose of the modulator 3 from the modulator.
Installation of the modulator of the valve рециркуляции the fulfilled gases spend to sequences, return to removal.
The electromagnetic valve рециркуляции the fulfilled gases
Disconnect a wire of "weight" from the storage battery.
Remove the case of the air filter.
Remove the electromagnetic valve рециркуляции the fulfilled gases in a following order:
Fig. 3.204. Places of connection of an electric socket (2) and vacuum hoses (3) to the electromagnetic valve рециркуляции the fulfilled gases (1)
- Disconnect an electric socket 2;
- Disconnect vacuum hoses 3 from the valve.
Installation of the electromagnetic valve рециркуляции the fulfilled gases spend to sequences, return to removal.
The detonation gauge
Disconnect a wire of "weight" from the storage battery.
Remove a starter.
Fig. 3.205. An arrangement of an electric socket (1) gauges of a detonation
Disconnect an electric socket from the gauge of a detonation 1 ( fig. 3.205).
Turn out a bolt and remove the detonation gauge.
Installation of the gauge of a detonation spend to sequences, return to removal.
Tighten a bolt of fastening of the gauge of a detonation the moment 15—25 Нм.
Establish a starter.
Connect "a weight" wire to the storage battery.
The electronic block of management
Disconnect a wire of "weight" from the storage battery.
Fig. 3.206. An arrangement of bolts of fastening of the electronic block of management
Turn out bolts 2 ( fig. 3.206) and remove ЭБУ 1 from an arm.
Fig. 3.207. Directions of clearing of a clamp (1) and detachments of an electric socket (2) from the electronic block of management
Release a clamp 1 ( fig. 3.207) and disconnect an electric socket 2 from the electronic block of management.
Installation ЭБУ spend to sequences, return to removal.
Establish the control of frequency of rotation of idling.
Tighten bolts of fastening of the electronic block of management of the moment 6—8 Нм.