3.4.1. The description of elements of system and their workThe electronic block of management
The electronic block of management (ЭБУ) is located under the panel of devices and is control centre of system of injection of fuel. ЭБУ constantly processes the information from various gauges and operates the systems influencing various functions of the car. ЭБУ carries out diagnostics of functions of systems. He can distinguish malfunctions in work of systems, warn the driver through a signalling device of malfunction of systems of the engine and store the diagnostic codes of malfunction distinguishing a site of malfunctions for the help to mechanics in carrying out of repair. ЭБУ not repaired detail.
Классифицирование (ROM) ЭБУ is stored in a programmed memory. ЭБУ delivers pressure for a food of gauges or switches. It is carried out through resistance in ЭБУ which value is so great that at connection to a chain the control bulb does not light up. In certain cases even usual voltmeters cannot give the exact indication, because its resistance very small. It is necessary to apply the digital voltmeter with entrance resistance 10 мОм to reception of exact indications of pressure.
Fig. 3.156. The electronic block of management (ЭБУ) and an arrangement of contacts of an electric socket
Appearance ЭБУ is shown on fig. 3.156, and numbers of contacts and their appointment are resulted in tab. 3.8.
Table 3.8 of Number of contacts of the electronic block of management and their appointment
№ contact
Contact appointment
Fuel atomizer
Grounding system
Grounding system
Fuel atomizer
Signal of position of the piston of the cylinder № 1 in the higher dead point (ВМТ)
It is not used
Signal of the relay of the conditioner of air (entrance signal of the conditioner of air)
Signal of the gauge of a detonation
High signal In the valve of the control of idling
The valve of an absorber of steams of fuel
Socket data transmission (diagnostic)
Signal of speed of the car
Socket data transmission (diagnostic)
The main relay
Signal of temperature of a cooling liquid of the engine
The gauge of absolute pressure in an inlet collector
Signal of the gauge of oxygen
Grounding of the gauge of oxygen
Signal of the gauge of position throttle заслонки
Signal of the gauge of temperature of air in an inlet collector
Signal of the gauge of temperature of the evaporator
The control октанового numbers
It is not used
Ignition inclusion
The control октанового numbers
Inclusion of headlights
Sound signal of excess of speed
The control of primary pressure of the coil of ignition
It is not used
Fuel atomizer
Grounding of the isolated wire
Ignition power supplies
Signal of an angle of rotation of a cranked shaft
It is not used
Low signal In the valve of the control of idling
High signal And the valve of the control of idling
Signal of the switch of the amplifier of a steering
Socket data transmission (diagnostic)
It is not used
Low signal And the valve of the control of idling
Signal of the gauge of position throttle заслонки
Management рециркуляцией exhaust gases
Control lamp of malfunction
Grounding of the gauge of absolute pressure in an inlet collector / of the gauge of temperature of a cooling liquid of the engine / of the thermoresistor of the evaporator/gauge of a detonation
Basic pressure of gauges of position throttle zaslonki/absolute pressure in an inlet collector
Grounding of gauges of temperature of air in an inlet collector / of the gauge of position throttle заслонки
The relay of low frequency of rotation of the fan of a radiator
Signal of frequency of rotation of the engine
It is not used
The relay of high frequency of rotation of the fan of a radiator
The relay of the compressor of the conditioner
Ignition power supplies
It is not used
It is not used
It is not used
Work of a control system as fuel giving
Function of system of measurement of the expense of fuel is giving of necessary quantity of fuel in the engine in all its operating modes. Fuel is delivered in engine cylinders by the separate fuel atomizers established in an inlet collector near to each cylinder.
There are two gauges on control of the expense of fuel is a gauge of absolute pressure in an inlet collector and the oxygen gauge.
The gauge of absolute pressure in an inlet collector measures depression in an inlet collector. When the fuel considerable quantity is required, the gauge of absolute pressure in an inlet collector reads out a condition of low depression, such as full opening throttle заслонки. ЭБУ uses this information for mix enrichment, increasing time of opening of an atomizer for maintenance of giving of the necessary quantity of fuel. At delay depression increases. This change of depression is read out by the gauge of absolute pressure in an inlet collector and read ЭБУ which reduces time of opening of an atomizer because of a condition of low requirement of fuel. The oxygen gauge is established in a final collector and shows ЭБУ quantity of oxygen in exhaust gases. ЭБУ changes a parity air/fuel, operating time of opening of fuel atomizers. The optimum parity air/fuel for reduction of issue of the fulfilled gases — 14,7/1 — allows каталитическому to the converter to function most effectively. Therefore constantly measuring and regulating a parity air/fuel the injection system is called as system closed contour.
ЭБУ uses entrance signals of pressure from several gauges for definition of quantity of fuel submitted to the engine. Fuel moves depending on one of the several conditions named "modes".
Fig. 3.157. Gauges and sources of a signal from which ЭБУ receives the information and actuation mechanisms on which the target signal is given
ЭБУ receives the information from following gauges and sources ( fig. 3.157):
- Pressure of the storage battery;
- Ignition inclusion;
- The oxygen gauge;
- The gauge of temperature of a cooling liquid of the engine;
- The gauge of position throttle заслонки;
- The gauge of absolute pressure in an inlet collector;
- The gauge of temperature of air in an inlet collector;
- The gauge of speed of the car;
- The optical gauge of the cylinder №1;
- The optical gauge of position of a cranked shaft;
- The evaporator thermoresistor;
- The switch of pressure of the amplifier of a steering;
- The conditioner switch;
- Inclusions of headlights;
- Diagnostics;
- Grounding systems;
- The detonation gauge.
On the basis of received information ЭБУ gives a target signal to following actuation mechanisms ( fig. 3.157 see ):
- To fuel atomizers;
- To the ignition coil;
- To the valve of the control of idling;
- To the electric fan of a radiator;
- To the main relay;
- To the solenoid of an absorber of steams of fuel;
- To control lamp of malfunction;
- To diagnostic codes of malfunction;
- To the gauge of position throttle заслонки;
- To signal of speed of rotation of a cranked shaft of the engine;
- To the solenoid рециркуляции the fulfilled gases.
Start-up mode
At ignition inclusion (the engine is not started up) ЭБУ includes the relay of the fuel pump on 2 with. The fuel pump creates pressure in system. ЭБУ also checks the gauge of temperature of a cooling liquid of the engine, the gauge of position throttle заслонки and defines a necessary parity of air to fuel for engine start-up. ЭБУ operates and supervises the quantity of fuel delivered in a mode of start-up, changing time of inclusion and deenergizing of valves of fuel atomizers. It creates "pulsation" of fuel atomizers for very short time.
Operating mode
There are two conditions of an operating mode — an open contour and the closed contour.
Open contour
When the engine only is started up also its frequency of rotation exceeds 400 mines-1, the system follows work of "an open contour. In an open contour ЭБУ ignores the signals arriving from the gauge of oxygen and calculates a parity air/fuel, being based on entrance signals from gauges of temperature of a cooling liquid and absolute pressure in an inlet collector. The gauge remains in an open contour until below-mentioned conditions take place:
- The oxygen gauge has the exit of changing pressure showing that is hot enough for appropriate work;
- Size of temperature of a cooling liquid more the than established size;
- After engine start the established time has expired.
The closed contour
In the closed contour ЭБУ calculates a parity air/fuel (time of opening of a fuel atomizer), being based on signals of the gauge of oxygen. It allows a parity to remain air/fuel equal 14,7/1.
Acceleration mode
ЭБУ reacts to fast change of position throttle заслонки and change of pressure of air in an inlet collector and provides the optimum quantity of fuel submitted to the chamber of combustion.
Delay mode
ЭБУ reacts to change of position throttle заслонки and change of pressure of air in an inlet collector and reduces the quantity of fuel submitted to the chamber of combustion. When delay very fast, ЭБУ can stop fuel giving on very short time interval.
Mode of correction of pressure of the storage battery
When pressure of the storage battery low, ЭБУ compensates the weak spark submitted the module of ignition increasing:
- Width of an impulse of a fuel atomizer;
- Frequency of rotation of idling;
- Delay time.
Mode of a stopping delivery of fuel
Fuel moves fuel atomizers during 2 with and then stops at ignition deenergizing. It prevents engine work at the switched off ignition. Fuel does not move, if there are no basic impulses (signals) from the optical gauge. It prevents заливание the engine fuel.
Work of system of ignition
The ignition system puts in action the coil of ignition for an arson of the compressed fuel mix in the combustion chamber. The ignition system consists of the storage battery, the coil of ignition, the distributor of ignition, high-voltage wires and spark plugs. In ignition system the optical gauge interrupting a current of a primary chain of the coil of ignition by the electronic block of management is used. ЭБУ receives signals about position of the piston of the cylinder № 1 and signals of an angle of rotation of a cranked shaft for management of the ignition moment, providing peak efficiency of work of the engine.
Work of system of idling
ЭБУ uses the valve of the control of idling for installation of frequency of rotation of idling depending on conditions. ЭБУ uses the information from various entering signals, such as temperature of a cooling liquid, depression in a collector, etc., for efficient control frequency of rotation of idling.
Work of system of ventilation картера
The ventilation system картера is used for maintenance of full use картерных gases. Fresh air moves from the air filter in картер and mixes up with filtered in картер gases which then pass through a vacuum hose in an inlet collector.
Periodically check hoses and clips. Replace all components of ventilation картера as required.
The pressed or littered hoses of ventilation картера can become the reason of following deviations in engine work:
- Non-uniform frequency of rotation idling;
- Stop of the engine or low frequency of rotation idling;
- Oil leak;
- Oil hit in the air filter;
- Engine pollution.
Негерметичность a ventilation hose картера can become the reason of following deviations in engine work:
- Non-uniform frequency of rotation idling;
- Engine stop;
- High frequency of rotation idling.
Work of system of catching of steams of fuel
In a control system of steams of fuel the method of accumulation of steams is used by a coal adsorber. This method of transition of steams of fuel from a fuel tank in the container with the activated coal for storage of steams when the car does not function. When the engine works, fuel steams are cleared of particles of coal by air stream in an inlet collector and spent in the course of normal combustion of a fuel mix.
Steams of fuel from a fuel tank pass through a tube attached to a tank, and are absorbed by coal. When the engine will work certain time, the adsorber is cleared by the electronic block of management. Air gets in an adsorber and mixes up with fuel steams. This mix then gets in an inlet collector. ЭБУ provides actuating of the valve of an adsorber. This valve joins and switched off (duration of an impulse) some times in a second is regulated. The running cycle of clearing of the operated container changes according to the working conditions defined in weight of a stream of air, the expense of fuel and air temperature in an inlet collector.
Unstable work of idling, stop of the engine and bad controllability occur because of following infringements:
- Malfunction of the valve of catching of steams of fuel;
- The catcher of steams of fuel is damaged;
- Hoses have cracks or are not connected to appropriate tubes.
The adsorber of steams of fuel is adapted for management of fuel steams; consists of granules of the activated coal. The adsorber is used for accumulation of steams of fuel from a fuel tank. As soon as certain conditions are established, ЭБУ puts in action the electromagnetic valve of an adsorber allowing steams of fuel to get to cylinders where they are burnt.
Work of the amplifier of a steering
The switch of indemnification of the amplifier of the steering, the amplifier located on the pump, compensates frequency of rotation for prevention of a stop and astable work of the engine. When the amplifier switch is included also a current moves from grounding of the electronic block of management (ЭБУ) on a body, ЭБУ compensates frequency of rotation of the engine.
Work of a central air of air
ЭБУ operates the compressor of the conditioner of air for improvement of functions of work of the car. The compressor is switched off by the electronic block of management according to intensity of cooling and target capacity of the engine.
Work of a control system as headlights
When headlights are included, ЭБУ automatically compensates frequency of rotation of the engine.
The oxygen gauge
Fig. 3.158. An arrangement of the gauge of oxygen () in system of release of the fulfilled gases
The oxygen gauge is established in system of release of the fulfilled gases where it defines the oxygen maintenance in a stream of the fulfilled gases ( fig. 3.158). Oxygen containing in fulfilled gases enters reaction with the gauge. The target pressure fluctuating in a range approximately from 0,1 In (the high maintenance of oxygen — a poor mix) to 0,9 In (the low maintenance of oxygen — a rich mix) is as a result generated. It is possible to measure this pressure by the digital voltmeter having entrance resistance at least in 10 мОм. Use of standard voltmeters can give inexact evidences. ЭБУ watches target pressure of the gauge of oxygen and defines, what change is necessary in a fuel mix.
At chain breakage, the oxygen gauge establishes a diagnostic code of malfunction 0130. The low voltage in a gauge chain is constant specifies in a poor mix; the high voltage in a gauge chain is constant specifies in a rich mix.
The gauge of temperature of a cooling liquid
Fig. 3.159. An arrangement of the gauge of temperature of a cooling liquid ()
ЭБУ feeds the gauge of temperature of a cooling liquid of the engine with pressure 5 In through the resistor in ЭБУ and measures pressure change. Pressure will be high at the cold engine and low at the hot engine. Measuring pressure changes, ЭБУ can define temperature of a cooling liquid. The temperature of a cooling liquid influences a considerable quantity of the systems supervised by the electronic block of management.
The gauge of position throttle заслонки
Fig. 3.160. An arrangement of the gauge of position throttle заслонки ()
The gauge of position throttle заслонки is a potentiometer (a pressure divider), connected to an axis throttle заслонки in throttle knot ( fig. 3.160). The electric chain of the gauge consists of a line of giving 5 In and lines of grounding which are provided with the electronic block of management. ЭБУ calculates position throttle заслонки, watching pressure on an alarm line. Target signals of the gauge of position throttle заслонки vary depending on pressing an accelerator pedal, thereby changing a corner of opening throttle заслонки. At the closed position throttle заслонки target signals of pressure of the gauge of position throttle заслонки low, about 0,4—0,8 V.Po to a measure of opening throttle заслонки target signals of pressure grow. At full opening throttle заслонки pressure signals will make about 4,5—5,0 Century ЭБУ can define quantity of giving of fuel, being based on coal of opening throttle заслонки (on request of the driver). The broken or badly attached gauge of position throttle заслонки can become the reason of faltering giving of fuel through fuel atomizers and astable idling because ЭБУ considers that throttle заслонка turns. In any chain of the gauge of position throttle заслонки the diagnostic code of malfunction 0120 should establish malfunction. As soon as the diagnostic code of malfunction will be established, ЭБУ incurs function of the gauge of position throttle заслонки and allows the car to move to the nearest servicing deport.
The gauge of absolute pressure in an inlet collector
Fig. 3.161. An arrangement of the gauge of absolute pressure in an inlet collector ()
The gauge of absolute pressure and ( fig. 3.161) measures change of pressure in an inlet collector which depends on loading on the engine and changes of frequency of rotation of a cranked shaft in an inlet collector and transforms them to target signals of pressure. At closed throttle заслонке on frequency of rotation of idling the gauge of absolute pressure in an inlet collector develops rather low signals of pressure (1,0-1,5). When throttle заслонка it is completely open, pressure in an inlet collector equals to atmospheric pressure and target pressure of the gauge makes 4,5—5,0 V.Absoljutnoe pressure of air in an inlet collector is contrast to depression. When pressure in a collector high, depression low. The gauge of absolute pressure in an inlet collector also is used for measurement of atmospheric pressure. It is performed within the limits of work of the gauge of absolute pressure in an inlet collector. When ignition is included also the engine does not work, ЭБУ will read out pressure in a collector as atmospheric pressure and accordingly to regulate a parity air/fuel. This indemnification for height of a finding of the car above sea level allows system to support a management efficiency until issue of the fulfilled gases remains the low. Barometric function periodically modifies during steady driving or under condition of full opening throttle заслонки. In case of malfunction in a barometric part of the gauge of absolute pressure in inlet collector ЭБУ will establish standard value.
Malfunction in a chain of the gauge of absolute pressure in an inlet collector establishes a diagnostic code of malfunction 0105.
The gauge of temperature of air in an inlet collector
Fig. 3.162. An arrangement of the gauge of temperature of air in an inlet collector ()
The gauge of temperature of air in an inlet collector and ( fig. 3.162) is the thermoresistor, i.e. the resistor changing size of resistance depending on temperature of air, combustion arriving in the chamber. At low temperature the gauge has high resistance. ЭБУ submits 5 In the gauge of temperature of air in an inlet collector through the resistor in ЭБУ and measures change of pressure for definition of temperature of air in an inlet collector. Pressure will be high, if air in an inlet collector cold and low at hot (warm) air. The electronic block of management defines air temperature in an inlet collector, measuring pressure. The gauge of temperature of air in an inlet collector also is used for management of installation of the moment of ignition, when air temperature in an inlet collector the low.
At malfunction in a chain of the gauge of temperature of air in an inlet collector the diagnostic code of malfunction 0110 is established.
The optical gauge
Fig. 3.163. The optical gauge: and — the optical gauge; b — diodes; with — a disk with 54-mja apertures; d — a cut; e — apertures; f — a signal about piston position in ВМТ the cylinder № 1; g — a signal of an angle of rotation of a pulley of a cranked shaft; h — photo diodes
In ignition system are used the optical gauge and ( fig. 3.163) in the ignition distributor; a disk with with 54 apertures which are reading out an angle of rotation of a pulley of a cranked shaft; a cut d with diodes b in the optical gauge, reading out the higher dead point (ВМТ). All of them are blocked or inserted into a disk with apertures. Photo diodes h in ignition system read out an angle of rotation of a pulley of a cranked shaft g and a signal f about piston position in ВМТ the cylinder № 1 and hand over this information in ЭБУ. ЭБУ operates distribution of ignition and injection adjustment.
The gerkonovyj gauge
Fig. 3.164. An arrangement герконового the gauge () in a speedometer
The gerkonovyj gauge and ( fig. 3.164) is located in a speedometer and connected by a cable to a conducted gear wheel of a transmission. The gerkonovyj gauge induces signal ЭБУ and combinations of devices about speed of the car and the car moves or not.
In герконовом the gauge there are three plugs. The first plug is connected to the ignition switch; the second — to ЭБУ and the third — to grounding. The gerkonovyj gauge transfers two signals for each cycle in ЭБУ according to signals INCL./OFF
The fuel pump
Fig. 3.165. An arrangement of the fuel pump () in a fuel tank
The fuel pump and ( fig. 3.165) is attached to a fuel tank and copes the electronic block of management. Fuel moves in a fuel stage and fuel atomizers through the fuel filter. At ignition inclusion (the engine is not started up), the fuel pump will work 2 with, then will stop, while the engine will not be started up. It quickly creates pressure in system. If the engine has not been started up during 2 with, ЭБУ stops work of the fuel pump and waits, while the engine will not be started up. As soon as the cranked shaft will start to rotate, ЭБУ immediately includes the relay, and the fuel pump starts to work. The faulty fuel pump does not give possibility of start-up of the engine. The fuel pump which is not creating necessary pressure in system, — the reason of bad work of the engine.
The fuel pump consists of the pump creating pressure, and the gauge specifying level of fuel in a tank. In the fuel pump are located also перепускной and control valves. The perepusknoj valve at excess of pressure of fuel in system returns some part of fuel in a fuel tank, preventing damage of a fuel line. The control valve keeps pressure of fuel in a fuel line at an engine stop. Therefore the control valve prevents formation of air stoppers and improves engine start-up.
Regulator of pressure of fuel
Fig. 3.166. An arrangement of a regulator of pressure of fuel ()
The regulator of pressure of fuel and ( fig. 3.166) is located on a tube of return of the fuel pump and regulates pressure in fuel system. Function of a regulator of pressure of fuel — maintenance of constant pressure of fuel at level 372,6 кПа. The regulator of pressure of fuel is перепускным the valve диафрагменного the type, on the one hand which diaphragms pressure of the fuel pump and on the other hand pressure of a regulating spring operates. If pressure in system exceeds the established size, the diaphragm opens the drain valve and surplus of fuel comes back in a fuel tank.
Fig. 3.167. An atomizer arrangement () on the engine
The multidot fuel atomizer and ( fig. 3.167) is the electromagnetic valve operated the electronic block of management which measures quantity of the fuel which is under pressure, for giving in one cylinder. The fuel atomizer consists of the case and the needle valve attached to an anchor of the solenoid. ЭБУ feeds a solenoid winding in a fuel atomizer for normal opening of the needle valve. It allows fuel to be injected in a collector through an injection aperture.
The valve of the control of idling
The prevention
Do not try to remove a protective cover and to adjust the lock screw. Maladjustment can become the reason of damage of the valve of the control of idling or throttle knot.
Fig. 3.168. An arrangement of the valve of the control of idling ()
The valve of the control of idling and ( fig. 3.168) is established on the case of throttle knot, and operates frequency of rotation of idling under the influence of signals ЭБУ. ЭБУ sends pressure impulses on a winding of the valve of the control of idling, forcing a valve core to move inside and outside on the fixed distance (step) at each signal. Core movement operates a stream of air round throttle заслонки; turning, it operates frequency of rotation of idling.
Demanded frequency of rotation of idling is programmed inside ЭБУ for all power setting. This programmed frequency of rotation of the engine is based on temperature of a cooling liquid, speed of the car, pressure of the storage battery and pressure in air central air (if the car is equipped by it).
ЭБУ redeems appropriate position of the control of idling for achievement of uniform frequency of rotation of the idling, necessary for various conditions ВКЛ or ВЫКЛ air conditioner (if the car is equipped by it). This information remains in memory ЭБУ in an active condition (the information remains after ignition deenergizing). All other positions of the valve of the control of idling are calculated on the basis of these values of memory. As a result of the engine fluctuation, caused by deterioration and fluctuations throttle заслонки in the minimum position (without exceeding a limit), do not influence frequency of rotation idling the engine. This system provides the appropriate control of idling on the terms and conditions. It also means that switching-off of a food from ЭБУ can become the reason of the wrong control of frequency of rotation of idling or requirement of partial holiday of a pedal of an accelerator (acceleration fall) at start-up until ЭБУ will restore the idling control.
Frequency of rotation of idling is a function of receipt of a stream of air in the engine, based on position of a core of the valve of the control of idling, a corner of opening throttle заслонки and losses of the calibrated depression. Position of the minimum opening throttle заслонки is established regulated) at factory by means of the lock screw. This installation allows by means of throttle заслонки to arrange a core of the valve of the control of idling on the calibrated (certain) step from a saddle during work of "operated" idling for passage of a sufficient stream of air. Installation of the minimum position of opening throttle заслонки on the engine should not be considered as the minimum frequency of rotation of idling, as on other engines with fuel injection. After adjustment the lock screw of throttle knot is closed by a stopper.
The valve рециркуляции the fulfilled gases
The system рециркуляции the fulfilled gases is used in the engine for level fall оксида the nitrogen caused by a heat of combustion of a gas mixture. The system copes the electronic block of management through the solenoid рециркуляции the fulfilled gases.
The valve рециркуляции the fulfilled gases passes a small amount of exhaust gases in an inlet collector for fall of temperature of combustion of a fuel mix. The total рециркулируемого the fulfilled gas copes change of depression and return pressure of the fulfilled gas. At hit of a considerable quantity of the fulfilled gas ignition of a fuel mix does not occur. For this purpose through the valve very insignificant quantity of the fulfilled gas specially for frequency of rotation idling is passed. The valve рециркуляции the fulfilled gases is usually opened at:
- To work of the heated-up engine;
- Excess of frequency of rotation idling.
Very big stream рециркулируемого the fulfilled gas promotes ignition easing, the engine non-uniformly forces to work or to stop. At very big stream рециркулируемых gases at engine work on frequency of rotation of idling, at engine work on the moving car or at work of the cold engine some of following conditions can take place:
- After start-up of the cold engine, the engine stops;
- The engine stops after отпускания accelerator pedals on frequency of rotation of idling;
- The car moves jerky;
- On frequency of rotation of idling the engine works non-uniformly.
If the valve рециркуляции the fulfilled gases all time remains opened, the engine cannot work on frequency of rotation of idling. Very much a low flow рециркулируемых gases or constantly closed valve рециркуляции the fulfilled gases promote rise in temperature of combustion of a fuel mix at acceleration and at loading. It can become the reason of following infringements:
- Detonation combustion of a fuel mix;
- Engine overheat;
- Increase in toxicity of the fulfilled gases.
The detonation gauge
The detonation gauge finds out abnormal noise (knock) in the engine.
The gauge is established in the block of cylinders near to cylinders, generates target signals of an alternating voltage (AC output voltage) which increase with detonation increase. This signal is sent in ЭБУ. Then ЭБУ regulates the moment of ignition for detonation reduction.
Switching socket октанового numbers
The switching socket октанового numbers — a connecting wire (white) — signals ЭБУ about октановом fuel number.
The socket is located near to ЭБУ.
There are four various used installations октанового numbers. The car is delivered from factory with the attached label to a connecting wire for instructions октанового the number established in the electronic block of management. ЭБУ changes giving of fuel and the ignition moment, being based on installation октанового numbers.
Table 3.9 shows, what plugs are necessary for connecting on a switching socket октанового numbers for achievement correct октанового fuel numbers. The plug 2 — weight on a switching socket октанового numbers.
Table 3.9 the Condition of plugs for switching октанового numbers
The plug
Oktanovoe number of fuel
The plug 22
It is not closed
It is not closed
It is closed
It is closed
The plug 25
It is closed
It is not closed
It is not closed
It is closed
Regulator WITH (only for этилированного fuel)
In ЭБУ there is a regulator WITH. Technical workers can regulate size WITH, using the scanner. Adjustment WITH supervises emissions of carbonic oxide (WITH) in the cars using этилированный gasoline. Regulating size WITH, ЭБУ regulates duration of an impulse of fuel atomizers for reduction of emissions WITH.