Performed works
Check up and confirm the complaint of the owner of the car.
Whether the complaint of the owner of the car is confirmed?
The step 2 see
The system is perfectly in order
Check up level of a cooling liquid.
Whether there is a level of a cooling liquid on the necessary mark?
The step 4 see
The step 3 see
If necessary add cooling liquid.
Repair is finished?
The system is perfectly in order
The step 4 see
Check up a tension of a gear belt and absence of its damages.
The gear belt is perfectly in order?
The step 6 see
The step 5 see
Eliminate the malfunctions connected with a gear belt.
Repair is finished?
The system is perfectly in order
The step 6 see
Check up hoses of a cooling liquid on presence of leak or bends.
Hoses of a cooling liquid are perfectly in order?
The step 8 see
The step 7 see
Eliminate the malfunctions connected with hoses of the cooling liquid.
Repair is finished?
The system is perfectly in order
The step 8 see
Check up a cover of a broad tank. The broad tank is perfectly in order?
The step 10 see
The step 9 see
If necessary repair or replace a broad tank.
Repair is finished?
The system is perfectly in order
The step 10 see
1. Switch off air conditioner
2. Establish the switch of operating modes of the fan in position 4.
3. Establish a regulator of temperature of air in a mode warm air (a red zone).
4. Include ignition.
5. Check up a stream of air from дефлекторов.
6. Whether the strong stream of air from дефлекторов moves?
The step 11 see
The step 25 see
Check up on change of a stream of air at change of frequency of rotation of the fan. Whether frequency of rotation of the fan increases at turn of the switch of operating modes of the fan in positions from 1 to 4?
The step 12 see
The electric part of the fan see
1. Switch off air conditioner.
2. Establish a regulator of temperature of air in a mode warm air.
3. Establish the switch of operating modes of the fan in position 4.
4. When the engine will enough be cooled, uncover a broad tank.
5. Start up the engine and allow to it to work on frequency of idling.
6. Observe of a stream of a cooling liquid.
Whether we see a stream of a cooling liquid?
The step 14 see
The step 13 see
1. Check up on:
Narrowing in cooling system;
Malfunction крыльчатки the water pump;
Malfunction of the thermostat;
2. If necessary repair cooling system.
3. Repair is finished?
The system is perfectly in order
1. Check up the car on absence of leak of cold air:
In the control panel;
In heater casings;
In ventilation system;
2. Check up under a seat presence of a barrier to passage of a stream of air.
3. Eliminate any malfunctions connected with leak or presence of barriers.
Repair is finished?
The system is perfectly in order
1. Switch off ignition.
2. Translate a regulator of temperature of air in a mode cold air, then quickly in a mode warm air.
3. Listen to the sounds published заслонкой before moving of a regulator on the most extreme position.
Whether has slammed заслонка?
The step 17 see
The step 16 see
1. Check up:
Range of moving temperature заслонки;
Cable заслонки;
Side scene заслонки.
2. Check up accuracy of adjustment of temperature a regulator of temperature of air in a mode warm air.
3. Check up accuracy of adjustment of temperature of air a regulator of temperature of air in a mode cold air.
4. Repair is finished?
The system is perfectly in order
1. Establish заслонку temperature adjustments in the right position (warm air).
2. Start up the engine.
3. Check up temperature of entrance and target hoses of a heater (bringing a hand).
Whether whether a warm entrance hose and a warm target hose of a heater?
The step 18 see
The step 21 see
Check up the thermostat.
Whether the appropriate image establishes the thermostat?
The step 19 see
The step 20 see
Replace the thermostat.
Repair is finished?
The system is perfectly in order
Repeatedly establish the thermostat.
Repair is finished?
The system is perfectly in order
Check up heater hoses on correctness of installation.
Whether heater hoses in the opposite direction are established?
The step 22 see
The step 23 see
Reinstall heater hoses properly.
Repair is finished?
The system is perfectly in order
1. Spend clearing of the core of a radiator of a heater by a purge by air from an underside.
2. Merge cooling liquid from system.
3. Replace cooling liquid.
The system is perfectly in order
The step 24 see
4. Warm up the engine to a normal temperature operating mode.
5. Bring a hand and check up entrance and target hoses of a heater.
Whether whether a hot entrance hose and a warm target hose?
Replace the core of a radiator of a heater.
Repair is finished?
The system is perfectly in order
Check up air stream in a crack for обдува a windscreen or дефлекторов.
Whether the strong stream of air leaving cracks for обдува of a windscreen or дефлекторов?
The step 26 see
The step 27 see
Adjust заслонку ventilation of the bottom zone and заслонку дефлекторов for achievement of a necessary stream of air.
Repair is finished?
The system is perfectly in order
Translate a regulator of distribution of air in a mode обдува a windscreen.
Whether a normal stream of air from cracks обдува a windscreen?
The step 28 see
The step 29 see
1. Remove a target pipe of a heater and check up on absence of a contamination.
2. Clear a target pipe of a heater.
Repair is finished?
The system is perfectly in order
Check up change of a stream of air at various frequencies of rotation of the fan.
The step 30 see
The electric part of the fan see
Whether frequency of rotation of the fan increases at switching of operating modes of the fan from 1 to 4?
Check up absence of barriers in system of an input of the fan.
Whether there is any hindrance?
The step 31 see
The step 32 see
Remove all barriers in system of an input of the fan.
Repair is finished?
The system is perfectly in order
1. Establish the switch of operating modes of the fan in position 4.
2. Rotate a regulator of temperature of air from extreme position warm air before extreme position cold air.
3. Listen to a sound of change of a stream of air.
Whether air stream changes?
The step 33 see
The step 34 see
1. Check up:
Moving range заслонки;
Cables заслонки;
Side scene заслонки;
2. Check up accuracy of management in temperature on the most extreme position warm air.
Repair is finished?
The system is perfectly in order
1. Check up system on absence of barriers between the fan and exit system.
2. Remove barriers.
Repair is finished?
The system is perfectly in order