9.5.3. Removal and installation of the control panel and its elementsThe panel management
Fig. 9.40. Control panel elements: 1 — a frame beam; 2 — the central skeleton; 3 — a directing arm of the control panel; 4 — a lattice обдува a windscreen; 5 — заглушка; 6 — заглушка; 7 — a lattice обдува lateral glass; 8 — lateral дефлектор; 9 — a clamp перчаточного a box; 10 — central дефлекторы; 11 — перчаточный a box; 12 — заглушка; 13 — directing ashtrays; 14 — an ashtray; 15 — ashtray illumination; 16 — a nest прикуривателя; 17 — the switch of an emergency light signal; 18 — заглушка (the switch of antifog headlights); 19 — молдинг control panels; 20 — an arm of fastening of the control panel; 21 — the control panel
Control panel elements are shown on fig. 9.40.
Disconnect a wire of "weight" from the storage battery.
Uncover a sound signal.
Remove a steering wheel from a steering column.
Remove casings of a steering column.
Remove switches of illumination and screen wipers.
Remove facing of a forward rack.
Remove молдинг control panels in a following order:
Fig. 9.41. An arrangement of screws (1) fastenings молдинга (2) control panels
- Screw-driver with a flat edge, remove молдинг 2 control panels. For prevention of damage of the control panel, wrap up an edge of a screw-driver a soft fabric.
Remove the lever of opening of the lock of a cowl from the control panel.
Remove перчаточный a box from the control panel.
Fig. 9.42. An arrangement of screws (1) fastenings of the floor console
Turn out screws 1 ( fig. 9.42) fastenings of the floor console.
Take aside the floor console.
Remove the panel of devices in gathering.
Remove the controller of the conditioner from the control panel.
Remove an audiosystem from the control panel.
Disconnect an electric socket прикуривателя.
Disconnect a lamp of illumination of an ashtray.
Fig. 9.43. An arrangement of screws (1) fastenings of a socket of data transmission (2)
Turn away screws 1 ( fig. 9.43) and disconnect a socket of data transmission 2.
Fig. 9.44. An arrangement of bolts (1), lateral screws (2) and lock bolts (4) fastenings of the bottom part of the control panel (3)
- Remove заглушки and turn out bolts 1 ( fig. 9.44);
- Turn out lateral screws 2;
- Turn out lock bolts of 4 fastenings of the bottom part;
Connect a socket of data transmission and fix screws.
Connect a lamp of illumination of an ashtray.
Connect a socket прикуривателя.
Establish the panel of devices in gathering.
Establish the console of a floor and fix its screws.
Establish the lever of opening of the lock of a cowl on the control panel.
Establish молдинг control panels and fix its screws.
Establish facing of a forward rack.
Establish switches of illumination and screen wipers.
Establish casings of a steering column.
Establish a steering wheel on a steering column.
Establish a cover of a sound signal.
Connect "a weight" wire to the storage battery.
Dismantling and control panel assemblage
Disconnect a wire of "weight" from the storage battery.
Fig. 9.45. An arrangement of screws of fastening of arms (1) control panels
Turn out screws and remove arms 1 ( fig. 9.45) control panels.
Fig. 9.46. Removal of air lines (1) from the control panel
Turn out screws and remove air lines 1 ( fig. 9.46) from the control panel.
Fig. 9.47. Removal дефлекторов (1) from the control panel
Turn out screws and remove дефлекторы 1 ( fig. 9.47) from the control panel.
Fig. 9.48. Nest removal прикуривателя (1) from the control panel
Turn out screws and remove a nest прикуривателя 1 ( fig. 9.48) from the control panel.
Fig. 9.49. An arrangement of screws (1) fastenings of a clamp and an arm (2) control panels
Turn out screws 1 ( fig. 9.49) and remove a clamp and an arm 2 перчаточного a box from the control panel.
Fig. 9.50. An arrangement of screws (1) fastenings of a directing arm (2) control panels
Turn out screws 1 ( fig. 9.50) and remove directing arm 2 from the control panel.
Fig. 9.51. Removal of lattices of anti-icer (1) and обдува lateral glasses (2) from the control panel
Remove lattices of anti-icer 1 ( fig. 9.51) and обдува lateral glasses 2 from the control panel.
Establish lattices of anti-icer and обдува lateral glasses.
Establish a clamp and an arm перчаточного a box of the control panel and fix its screws.
Establish a nest прикуривателя on the control panel and fix its screws.
Connect "a weight" wire to the storage battery.
Frame beam
Disconnect a wire of "weight" from the storage battery.
Fig. 9.52. An arrangement of screws (1) fastenings of the pipeline of anti-icer (2) frame beams
Turn out screws 1 ( fig. 9.52) and remove the pipeline of anti-icer 2 frame beams.
Turn away a nut and remove a steering column.
Disconnect electric sockets and remove plaits of wires in a following order:
- Remove fixing strips of fastening of plaits of wires;
Fig. 9.53. An arrangement of electric sockets of the switch of a stoplight (1), the thermostat (2), the resistor of the engine of the fan of a heater (3) and the engine of the fan of a heater (4) on plaits of wires (5)
- Disconnect an electric socket 1 ( fig. 9.53) the stoplight switch;
- Disconnect an electric socket of the thermostat 2;
- Disconnect an electric socket of the engine of the fan of a heater 4;
- Disconnect an electric socket of the resistor of the engine of the fan of a heater 3;
- Remove plaits of wires 5.
Fig. 9.54. An arrangement of screws (1) fastenings of air lines (2) anti-icers to the guard panel
Turn out screws 1 ( fig. 9.54) and remove air lines 2 anti-icers from the guard panel.
Fig. 9.55. An arrangement of screws of fastening of a frame beam (1)
Turn out screws and remove a frame beam 1 ( fig. 9.55).
Fig. 9.56. An arrangement of screws of fastening of the central skeleton (1)
Turn out bolts and remove the central skeleton 1 ( fig. 9.56).
Establish a frame beam and fix its bolts.
Establish the central skeleton and fix its bolts.
Establish the anti-icer pipeline on the panel of a guard and fix screws.
To establish an anti-icer air line on the panel of a guard and fix its screws.
Establish to the place of a plait of wires and connect electric sockets to the resistor of the engine of the fan of a heater, the engine of the fan of a heater, the thermostat and the stoplight switch. Fix plaits of wires fixing strips.
Establish a steering column and fix its nuts.
Establish an air line of anti-icer and fix its screws.
Connect "a weight" wire to the storage battery.
The panel of devices
Fig. 9.57. Elements of the panel of devices: 1 — glass of the panel of devices; 2 — an overlay of the panel of devices; 3 — a speedometer; 4 — the index of level of fuel; 5 — the temperature index; 6 — the case of the panel of devices; 7 — an electric payment; 8 — a lamp of illumination of the panel of devices
Elements of the panel of devices are shown in drawing 9.57.
Disconnect a wire of "weight" from the storage battery.
Remove молдинг control panels.
Remove the panel of devices in gathering in a following order:
Fig. 9.58. An arrangement of screws (1) fastenings of the panel of devices (2) and an electric socket and a cable of a speedometer (3)
- Disconnect an electric socket and a cable of a speedometer 3;
- Remove the panel of devices 2 from the control panel.
Connect to the panel of devices an electric socket and a speedometer cable.
Establish the panel of devices in the control panel and fix its screws.
Establish молдинг control panels.
Connect "a weight" wire to the storage battery.
Control lamps
Disconnect a wire of "weight" from the storage battery.
Remove the panel of devices from the control panel.
Fig. 9.59. Removal of control lamps from the panel of devices
From an underside of the panel of devices remove control lamps ( fig. 9.59).
Appointment, colour and capacity of lamps of the panel of devices are resulted in tab. 9.9.
Table 9.9 Appointment, colour and capacity of lamps of the panel of devices
Control lamp
Pressure, In/capacity, Vt
Gymnastics of the storage battery
The red
Not fastened seat belt
The red
The blue
Low level of fuel
The yellow
Pressure of oil
The red
Lay brake and brake liquid
The red
Malfunctions of the engine
The yellow
Turn indexes
The green
Illumination of the panel of devices
The blue
Back antifog headlight
The yellow
From an underside of the panel of devices establish control lamps.
Connect "a weight" wire to the storage battery.
Disconnect a wire of "weight" from the storage battery.
Remove the panel of devices from the control panel.
Fig. 9.60. Removal of glass and an overlay (1) from the panel of devices
Remove glass and an overlay 1 ( fig. 9.60) from the panel of devices.
Fig. 9.61. An arrangement of screws (1) and removal of a speedometer (2) from the panel of devices
From an underside of the panel of devices turn out screws 1 ( fig. 9.61) and remove a speedometer 2.
Establish a speedometer and fix its screws.
Establish glass and an overlay of the panel of devices.
Connect "a weight" wire to the storage battery.
Measuring instrument of level of fuel and temperature
Disconnect a wire of "weight" from the storage battery.
Remove the panel of devices from the control panel.
Remove glass and an overlay 1 ( fig. 9.60 see ) from the panel of devices.
Fig. 9.62. An arrangement of screws (1) and removal of indexes of level of fuel (2) and temperatures (3) from the panel of devices
From an underside of the panel of devices turn out screws 1 ( fig. 9.62) and remove indexes of level of fuel 2 and temperatures 3 from the panel of devices.
Establish indexes of level of fuel and temperature on the panel of devices and fix their screws.
Establish glass and an overlay of the panel of devices.
Connect "a weight" wire to the storage battery.
Disconnect a wire of "weight" from the storage battery.
Remove an ashtray from directing a sled.
Take прикуриватель from a nest.
Remove a nest прикуривателя in a following order:
- Push out a nest;
Fig. 9.63. A detachment of an electric socket (1) and removal of a nest (2) прикуривателя
- Disconnect an electric socket 1 ( fig. 9.63);
- Remove a nest 2 прикуривателя.
The prevention
Edges of an ashtray directing a sled very sharp also can cause a serious damage.
Connect an electric socket to a nest прикуривателя.
Establish a nest прикуривателя.
Establish прикуриватель in a nest.
Establish an ashtray.
Connect "a weight" wire to the storage battery.
Disconnect a wire of "weight" from the storage battery.
Fig. 9.64. Pressing of the top plate for ashtray removal
Remove an ashtray from a sled, pressing the top plate ( fig. 9.64).
Remove a sled of an ashtray from the control panel in a following order:
Fig. 9.65. An arrangement of screws (1) fastenings of a sled (2) ashtrays and removal of a lamp (3) from a sled
- Remove a sled of 2 ashtrays;
- Remove a lamp 3 from an ashtray sled.
Establish a lamp on an ashtray sled.
Establish a sled of an ashtray and fix screws.
Insert an ashtray into a sled.
Connect "a weight" wire to the storage battery.
Дефлекторы control panels
Remove молдинг control panels.
Fig. 9.66. An arrangement of screws (1) fastenings дефлекторов (2) to the control panel
Turn out screws 1 ( fig. 9.66) and remove дефлекторы 2 from the control panel.
Establish молдинг control panels.
Electronic clock
Disconnect a wire of "weight" from the storage battery.
Fig. 9.67. Clearing of a clamp of a digital watch (1) after removal of a lattice of anti-icer
Remove a lattice of anti-icer and release clamps of a digital watch 1 ( fig. 9.67).
Fig. 9.68. A detachment of an electric socket (1) from a digital watch (2)
Remove a digital watch 2 ( fig. 9.68) from the control panel and disconnect from them an electric socket 1.
Connect an electric socket to a digital watch.
Connect "a weight" wire to the storage battery.
Adjust hours.
Perchatochnyj box
Fig. 9.69. Removal шарнирных hairpins from the basis перчаточного a box
Remove шарнирные hairpins in the basis перчаточного a box ( fig. 9.69).
Remove перчаточный a box from the control panel.
Establish перчаточный a box in the control panel and fix шарнирными hairpins.