4.2.5. Dismantling and transmission assemblageDismantling
Remove a transmission.
Using the adaptation for fastening of transmission DW 220—010А, fix a transmission at the stand.
Remove the details fixed on a transmission.
Fig. 4.52. An arrangement of bolts (1) and nuts (2) fastenings of an arm (3) transmissions
Turn out bolts 1 ( fig. 4.52) and a nut 2 and remove an arm of 3 fastenings of a transmission.
Fig. 4.53. An arrangement of a nut (1) fastenings of the switch of a lantern of a backing (2) and a bolt (3) fastenings of a gear wheel (4) drives of a speedometer
Turn away a nut 1 ( fig. 4.53) and disconnect the switch of a lantern of a backing 2.
Turn out a bolt 3 and disconnect a gear wheel 2 drives of a speedometer.
Fig. 4.54. An arrangement of a bolt (1) fastenings of the lever of a gear change (2)
Turn out a bolt 1 ( fig. 4.54) and remove the lever of a gear change 2.
Remove a gear change casing in gathering in a following order:
Fig. 4.55. Removal of a casing of a gear change in gathering: 1 — bolts; 2 — a blocking bolt of switching; 3 — a gear change casing in gathering; 4 — a lining
- Turn out blocking bolt of switching 2;
- Remove a gear change casing in gathering 3;
- Remove a lining 4.
Fig. 4.56. An arrangement of bolts (1) fastenings of a lateral cover (2)
Turn out bolts 1 ( fig. 4.56) and, using a rubber hammer, remove a lateral cover 2. Clear the rests of hermetic from a lateral cover and картера transmissions.
Remove directing ball of a plug of switching of the fifth transfer, a persistent ring and a persistent ring of the fifth transfer of a primary shaft in a following order:
Fig. 4.57. A reversing of a stopper (1) plugs of switching of the fifth transfer and lock rings of a plug of switching of the fifth transfer (2) and the fifth transfer (3)
- Turn out a stopper 1 ( fig. 4.57) plugs of switching of the fifth transfer;
- Using a magnet, remove directing ball;
- Remove a lock ring of a plug of switching of the fifth transfer 2;
- Remove a lock ring of the fifth transfer 3;
- Remove a gear sealing ring of the synchronizer of the fifth transfer.
Fig. 4.58. Use of a hammer and a chisel for removal of a finger (1) plugs of switching of the fifth transfer
Switch a plug to the fifth transfer and a chisel and a hammer remove a finger of a plug 1 ( fig. 4.58) switchings of the fifth transfer.
Fig. 4.59. Removal of a plug of the fifth transfer of a primary shaft and a synchronizer nave in gathering (1)
Pull and remove together a plug of the fifth transfer of a primary shaft and a synchronizer nave in gathering 1 ( fig. 4.59). Remove муфту, a cracker and a spring from a synchronizer nave in gathering.
Fig. 4.60. Removal of a gear wheel of the fifth transfer, a wave spring and a gear ring of the synchronizer (1)
Pull and remove together a gear wheel of the fifth transfer, a wave spring and a gear ring of the synchronizer 1 ( fig. 4.60). Remove the bearing of the fifth transfer.
Fig. 4.61. Use of a screw-driver (1) for coupling of gear wheels of the first and third transfers and an arrangement of a nut (2) fastenings of a gear wheel of the fifth transfer of a secondary shaft
Switch a switching cam, using a screw-driver 1 ( fig. 4.61) for coupling of gear wheels of the first and third transfers or the second and fourth transfers, turn away the coined nut 2 and remove a gear wheel 1 ( fig. 4.62) the fifth transfer of a secondary shaft.
Fig. 4.62. Removal of a gear wheel (1) fifth transfers of a secondary shaft
Fig. 4.63. An arrangement of screws (1) fastenings of a lateral cover (2)
Turn out screws 1 ( fig. 4.63) and remove a lateral cover 2 and an adjusting lining of the bearing of a secondary shaft.
Remove a spring of a shaft of switching and a ball in a following order:
Fig. 4.64. An arrangement of stoppers, springs and balls of switching fifth-back transfers (1), the third-fourth transfers (2) and the first-second transfers (3)
- Turn out a stopper 1 ( fig. 4.64) and remove a spring and a ball of a shaft of switching fifth-back transfers;
- Turn out a stopper 2 and remove a spring and a ball of a shaft of switching of the third-fourth transfers;
- Turn out a stopper 3 and remove a spring and a ball of a shaft of switching of the first-second of transfers.
The prevention
There is a difference between a spring of a shaft of switching fifth-back transfers and other springs. To separate this spring, at installation note it.
Fig. 4.65. A reversing of a bolt of fastening of a shaft of a gear wheel of a backing
Turn out a bolt of fastening of a shaft of a gear wheel of a backing ( fig. 4.65).
Remove left картер transmissions in a following order:
Fig. 4.66. An arrangement of bolts of fastening left (1) and the right (2) parties картера
- Turn out bolts 1 ( fig. 4.66) on the left side картера;
- On cars with automatic coupling turn out bolts and carving hairpins;
- Turn out bolts 2 on the right side картера;
- Easily striking a rubber hammer, remove left картер;
- Clear the rests of hermetic with картера.
Fig. 4.67. An arrangement of bolts (1) fastenings of the lever (2) switchings of a reverse gear
Turn out bolts 1 ( fig. 4.67) and remove the lever of 2 switchings of a reverse gear.
Fig. 4.68. Removal of a gear wheel of a reverse gear and a shaft (1)
Push a reverse gear gear wheel in a direction to internal картеру; extending a shaft, remove a gear wheel of a reverse gear and a shaft 1 ( fig. 4.68). Remove a gear wheel of a reverse gear from a shaft.
Fig. 4.69. Removal of a shaft of switching fifth-back transfers (1)
Remove a shaft of switching fifth-back transfers 1 ( fig. 4.69).
Fig. 4.70. A direction of removal of the gear mechanism and a shaft of switching of the first-second of transfers in gathering (1)
Remove the gear mechanism and a switching shaft in gathering 1 ( fig. 4.70). Be cautious not to damage teeths of gear wheels of a secondary shaft and a differential cogwheel. Remove a shaft of the first-second of transfers in gathering from the gear mechanism.
Remove differential in gathering in a following order:
Fig. 4.71. Use wooden бруска (1) for removal of differential (2) in gathering
- Enter wooden брусок 1 ( fig. 4.71) in the bottom part of differential;
- Turning to the left-to the right, remove differential 2 in gathering.
Remove all connected to a left-hand side картера detail transmissions in a following order:
Fig. 4.72. An arrangement of bolts (1 and 3) fastenings of a plate (2) with a flute for a drain of oil and an oil plate (4) and a lateral epiploon of differential (5)
- Remove a plate 2 with a flute for an oil drain;
- Turn out bolts 3;
- Remove an oil plate 4;
- Using a hammer and copper выколотку, remove a lateral epiploon of differential 5;
Fig. 4.73. An arrangement of bolts (1) fastenings of the left cover (2) картера, a sealing ring (3) and stoppers (4) for measurement of level of oil
- Remove the left cover 2 картера;
- Remove a sealing ring of 3 covers картера;
- Turn out a stopper 4 with a steel lining for measurement of level of oil;
- Using a hammer and a stripper of bearing DW 09940—53111 remove an external holder of the bearing of a secondary shaft.
Remove all connected to the right party картера detail transmissions in a following order:
Fig. 4.74. An arrangement of an epiploon (1) primary shaft and an epiploon (2) differentials
- Using a screw-driver, remove an epiploon 1 ( fig. 4.74) a primary shaft;
- Using a hammer and copper выколотку, remove an epiploon of differential 2.
Fig. 4.75. Backlash measurement between муфтой the synchronizer and a gear change plug
Measure a backlash between муфтой the synchronizer and a gear change plug ( fig. 4.75). Backlash Rating value between муфтой the synchronizer and a plug of a gear change of 0,2-0,6 mm, maximum permissible value — 1,0 mm. If the backlash exceeds maximum permissible value, replace a switching plug.
Grease working edges of epiploons and tool DW 09943—78210, establish an epiploon of a primary shaft on the right side картера transmissions, and tool DW 09913—76010, establish a differential epiploon.
Establish the details attached on the left side to картеру of a transmission, in a following order:
- Establish an oil plate and fix its bolts;
- Establish a plate with a flute for oil and fix its bolts;
- Establish a stopper for measurement of level of oil together with a steel lining and tighten its moment 36—54 Нм.
Establish a cover картера transmissions on the left side and fix bolts, having tightened their moment 8—12 Нм.
Using the tool of KM 519, establish an epiploon on the left side of differential.
On the right side of a transmission establish differential in gathering. If the surface of a gear ring more low, than a surface of the right party картера transmissions, means, the gear ring is established correctly.
Establish a shaft of the first-second and third-fourth transfers in gathering in the gear mechanism.
Press and establish the gear mechanism, combining a primary shaft and a secondary shaft with apertures. Be cautious not to damage teeths of a gear wheel of a secondary shaft and a differential cogwheel.
Establish a shaft of switching fifth-back transfers.
Establish a reverse gear gear wheel in gathering and the lever of inclusion of a reverse gear.
Establish a shaft of switching of a gear wheel of a reverse gear. Combine a mark of an aperture of a bolt of a shaft of a reverse gear with acting part on the right side картера transmissions.
Establish the lever of switching of a gear wheel of a reverse gear and tighten bolts the moment 18—28 Нм.
Establish a ball and a spring of a shaft of switching of the third-fourth transfers. Tighten a stopper the moment 10—16 Нм.
Establish a ball and a spring of a shaft of switching fifth-back transfers. Tighten a stopper the moment 10—16 Нм.
Establish, noted at removal, a spring of a shaft of switching fifth-back transfers.
Establish картер transmissions on the left side.
Put a layer of hermetic of TNREE ВОND 1215 on привалочную a transmission surface.
Establish a left-hand side картера transmissions on the right party картера transmissions. Tighten bolts the moment 15—22 Нм.
Tighten bolts and carving hairpins.
On cars with automatic coupling tighten bolts and carving hairpins the moment 15—22 Нм.
Establish a bolt of a shaft of a reverse gear and tighten its moment 18—28 Нм.
Using tool DW 09940—53111, establish an external holder of the bearing of a secondary shaft. Rotating a secondary shaft, check up on appropriate installation of the bearing and an external holder of the bearing.
Establish an adjusting lining of the bearing in a following order:
Fig. 4.76. Use of a ruler (1) and щупа for backlash measurement between a surface картера transmissions (3) and an external holder of the bearing (2)
- Using a ruler and щуп, measure a backlash between a surface картера transmissions and an external holder of the bearing ( fig. 4.76);
- Pick up a lining so that the backlash was in limits of standard size.
The thickness of an adjusting lining depending on the measured size of a backlash between a surface картера transmissions and an external holder of the bearing is resulted in tab. 4.7.
Table 4.7 the Thickness of an adjusting lining
The measured size of a backlash, mm
Thickness of an adjusting lining, mm
Establish a lateral cover of a casing and fix its new bolts, having tightened their moment 6—7 Нм. Establish a gear wheel of the fifth transfer of the secondary shaft, thus processed acting party should be directed to a lateral cover картера.
Using a screw-driver, switch a switching plug to the fifth and third transfer or on the second and fourth transfer, then screw a nut of a gear wheel of the fifth transfer of a secondary shaft and tighten its moment 60—80 Нм. A hammer and a chisel зачеканьте a nut.
Establish the bearing of the fifth transfer of a primary shaft and a gear wheel of the fifth transfer / a gear ring of the synchronizer in a following order:
- Enter the bearing in a primary shaft;
- Establish a gear wheel of the fifth transfer, a wave spring and a gear ring of the synchronizer, combining a flute for oil and a mark on primary to a shaft.
Establish a nave of the synchronizer of the fifth transfer in gathering in a following order:
Fig. 4.77. Installation of a nave of the synchronizer of the fifth transfer: 1 — a spring; 2 — a synchronizer cracker; 3 — a nave; 4 — муфта; And and In — выступание a spring and a synchronizer cracker
- Establish springs 1 ( fig. 4.77) the synchronizer in a nave;
- Establish a cracker 2 synchronizers. In case of assemblage муфты the synchronizer and a nave, observance of a condition And = is necessary In;
- Arrange the most convex party of a nave 3 in a direction to an inside;
- Arrange an oblique groove муфты in a direction to an inside and establish a nave in муфту 4.
Establish a plug of switching of the fifth transfer to a synchronizer nave in gathering.
Establish a plug of switching of the fifth transfer and a synchronizer nave in gathering on a primary shaft. Arrange the most convex party of a nave in a direction to an inside and combine a cracker of the synchronizer and a flute of a nave with a mark in a primary shaft.
Press a switching plug in a direction to a gear wheel of the fifth transfer and establish a finger of a plug of switching of the fifth transfer ( fig. 4.58 see ). Use only new fingers of a plug of switching.
Establish a persistent ring of a gear wheel of the fifth transfer of a primary shaft, a persistent ring of a plug of switching of the fifth transfer and directing ball in a following order:
- Establish a gear sealing ring of the synchronizer of the fifth transfer;
- Establish a new lock ring 3 ( fig. 4.57 see ) gear wheels of the fifth transfer;
- Establish a new lock ring of 2 plugs;
- Tighten a stopper of 1 plug after introduction of a directing ball in a plug aperture.
Put a layer of hermetic of TNREE ВОND 1215 on привалочную a surface of a lateral casing of a transmission.
Establish a lateral casing and fix bolts, having tightened their moment 8—12 Нм ( fig. 4.56 see ).
Establish the mechanism of management of a gear change and fix bolts, having tightened their moment 18—28 Нм.
Establish the switch of a lantern of a backing and fix a nut, having tightened its moment 15—18 Нм.
Establish a gear wheel of a drive of a speedometer in gathering and fix a bolt, having tightened its moment 4—7 Нм.
Fig. 4.78. An arrangement of bolts and and nuts b fastenings of a transmission and the moments of their tightening
Establish fastening of a transmission and fix bolts and a nut, having tightened their moment 55—65 Нм ( fig. 4.78).
Establish coupling details.
Remove a transmission in gathering with the adaptation for fastening of transmission DW 220—010А.
Establish a transmission on the car.