4.3.3. Removal and installation of shaft of a driveRemoval
Fig. 4.131. A place зачеканки (1) nuts (2) and washers (3) fastenings of a shaft of a drive to a nave of a forward wheel
Fix a nave of a forward wheel pressing a brake pedal, unbend a fillet 1 ( fig. 4.131) and turn away a nut of 2 fastenings of a shaft of a drive to a nave of a forward wheel. Remove a washer 3.
Fig. 4.132. An arrangement of bolts (1) fastenings of the bottom protective casing (2) transmissions
Remove wheels. Turn out bolts 1 ( fig. 4.132) and remove the bottom protective casing of 2 transmissions.
Merge трансмиссионное oil from a transmission.
Remove the stabilizer of cross-section stability.
Fig. 4.133. An arrangement of a bolt (1) fastenings of the spherical hinge of the lever and a nut (2) fastenings of a tip of steering draught
Turn away a bolt 1 ( fig. 4.133) and a nut 2 and disconnect the spherical hinge of the lever and a tip of steering draught from a rotary fist. For branch of a tip of steering draught from a rotary fist use a stripper.
Fig. 4.134. Extraction of a shaft of a drive (1) from a nave of a forward wheel
Reject aside from the car a rotary fist and take a shaft of a drive 1 ( fig. 4.134) from a nave of a forward wheel. Support an external part of a shaft of a drive, without allowing it even for short time to hang on an internal SHRUS. If necessary for extraction of a shaft from a nave use a rubber hammer or киянку.
Remove a power shaft from a transmission in a following order:
- Insert a screw-driver with a flat edge between a transmission and the case of the SHRUS of a shaft of a drive;
Fig. 4.135. Use of a screw-driver (1) for extraction of a shaft of a drive (2) from a transmission
- Blow of a hand or brass hammer on a screw-driver, take a shaft of a drive from a transmission and remove it from the car ( fig. 4.135).
For pollution prevention close the drive of a transmission opened after removal of a shaft of a drive.
Fig. 4.136. Check places шлицов (1), a protective cover (2) and a deflection (3) shaft of a drive
Check up on absence of deterioration or damages шлицы 1 ( fig. 4.136) a drive shaft.
Check up on absence of leaks from protective covers 2.
Check up a drive shaft on absence of a deflection 3.
Clean transmission epiploons.
Establish a drive shaft in a transmission.
Fig. 4.137. Installation of a nave of a wheel on a power shaft
Establish a wheel nave on a power shaft ( fig. 4.137).
Establish a nave on the spherical hinge of the lever of a forward suspension bracket.
Screw a bolt of fastening of the spherical hinge of the lever and tighten its moment 50—70 Нм.
Establish steering draught on a rotary fist and screw корончатую a nut of the hinge of a tip of steering draught and tighten its moment 30—55 Нм.
Fig. 4.138. An arrangement of bolts (1) and nuts (2) fastenings of the stabilizer of cross-section stability
Establish the stabilizer. Tighten bolts 1 ( fig. 4.138) fastenings of the stabilizer by the moment 33—53 Нм and корончатую a nut 2 moment 40—50 Нм.
Fig. 4.139. An arrangement of a nut of fastening of a shaft of a drive to a nave of a forward wheel and a place забивания a nut fillet in a shaft groove
Screw a new nut of fastening of a shaft of a drive to a nave of a forward wheel, tighten its moment 210 Нм and hammer in a fillet 1 ( fig. 4.139) nuts into a shaft groove.
Establish forward wheels.
Fill in трансмиссионное oil in a transmission. Tighten a stopper of check of level of oil the moment 36—54 Нм.
Establish the bottom protective casing of a transmission and fix bolts, having tightened their moment 35—55 Нм ( fig. 4.132 see ).