6.1.1. The design descriptionThe system of the hydraulic booster of a steering consists of three components:
- The pump of the hydraulic booster of a wheel;
- Tank for a liquid of the amplifier of a steering;
- The steering mechanism consisting from gear рейки and a gear wheel.
The pump of the hydraulic booster of a steering лопастного type creates hydraulic pressure for system. The pump of the hydraulic booster of a steering is put in action from the engine. The valve of reduction of the pressure, located in the valve of the control of a stream of a liquid, limits pressure of the pump. In the steering mechanism there is a rotary valve of the control which directs a liquid going from the pump of the hydraulic booster of a steering to one or other party of the piston gear рейки of the steering mechanism. The piston and gear рейка make one integral part of the steering mechanism. The piston gear рейки transforms pressure of a liquid to linear force which moves рейку on the left and to the right. This force then is transferred through steering draughts and tips of steering draughts to rotary fists which turn wheels.
Fig. 6.1. Elements of a steering with the wheel hydraulic booster: 1 — a tank for a liquid of the hydraulic booster of a steering; 2 — a cover of a tank for a liquid of the hydraulic booster of a steering; 3 — a guard of a tank for a liquid of the hydraulic booster of a steering; 4 — a return line; 5 — a clip; 6 — a sealing ring; 7 — a tube of pressure of the steering mechanism; 8 — a tube of pressure of the pump; 9 — the steering mechanism with the amplifier; 10 — a clip; 11 — a giving line; 12 — the pump of the hydraulic booster of a steering in gathering; 13 — the pump of the hydraulic booster of a steering; 14 — a forward arm; 15 — a pulley of the pump of the hydraulic booster of a steering; 16 — a back arm; 17 — the main arm (with the conditioner and the amplifier); 18 — an arm of fastening of the pump of the hydraulic booster of a steering (without the conditioner)
Elements of a steering with the wheel hydraulic booster are resulted on fig. 6.1.
The moments of an inhaling of elements of a steering with the wheel hydraulic booster are resulted in tab. 6.1.
Table 6.1 the Moments of an inhaling of elements of a steering with the wheel hydraulic booster, Нм
The switch of pressure of the hydraulic booster of a wheel
The union of tubes of pressure of the pump of the hydraulic booster of the steering mechanism
The union of tubes of pressure of the steering mechanism
The union of tubes of return of the steering mechanism
Connecting муфта tubes of pressure of the hydraulic booster of the steering mechanism
Nut of a clip of tubes of pressure of the hydraulic booster of the steering mechanism
Nut of a clip of tubes of return of the hydraulic booster of the steering mechanism