6.1.2. Diagnostics of system of the hydraulic boosterPressure check in system of the hydraulic booster of a steering
Check of pressure of a liquid is spent for definition of malfunction of the pump or the steering mechanism.
Check up level of a liquid of the amplifier of a steering and a tension приводного a pump belt.
Disconnect a line of a high pressure from the pump. Establish under a place of separation a vessel for gathering of the leaked liquid.
Fig. 6.2. Connection of a hose of a measuring instrument for check of pressure DW 310—030А
Connect a hose of a measuring instrument for check of pressure DW 310—030А to a hose of pressure of the amplifier of a steering from the pump of the amplifier of a steering ( fig. 6.2).
Establish the gear change lever in neutral position.
Completely open the measuring instrument valve.
Start up the engine and allow to it to work on frequency of rotation of idling.
Turn a steering wheel some times from an emphasis against the stop in both parties for warming up of a liquid and achievement of a normal temperature operating mode.
The note
The pump of the hydraulic booster of a steering can be damaged, if the valve is completely closed more than on 10 with.
Completely close the valve of a measuring instrument and fix pressure which should be 5197,7—5688,1 кПа.
Immediately completely open the valve of a measuring instrument and fix pressure which should be 294,1—490,3 кПа.
If pressure within the established maximum permissible size, the pump is serviceable. Otherwise replace the pump of the hydraulic booster of a steering.
Tightness check in system of the hydraulic booster of a steering
Check up liquid level in a tank and a liquid, on absence in it of air.
Check up reliability of connection of hoses.
Check up торсионную a bar, a shaft and adjusting epiploons on absence of leaks.
Check up surfaces of sealing elements on absence of damages.
Define an exact place of leak. The place, whence drips a liquid, can and not to be a place, whence it filters. When service is necessary, clean a leak place at dismantling, replace a faulty epiploon, check up a surface of a condensing element on absence of damages and if necessary tighten bolts the demanded moments.
For exact detection of a place of leak, use the following method:
- At not working engine completely wipe dry system of the amplifier of a steering;
- Check up level of a liquid of the hydraulic booster of a steering in a pump tank. If necessary finish level of a liquid to norm;
- Start up the engine. Turn a steering wheel counter-clockwise and clockwise from an emphasis against the stop some times;
- Find a place of external leak and execute repair.
The note
Do not keep a steering wheel in extreme position long time as it can damage the pump of the hydraulic booster of a steering.
Check of a tension of a belt of a drive of the pump of the hydraulic booster of a steering
Check up on absence of deterioration or damages a belt of a drive of the hydraulic booster of a steering; if necessary replace it.
Fig. 6.3. Places of pressing a belt of a drive of the hydraulic booster of a steering for measurement of its deflection
Pressing with effort of 10 kg the middle of a branch of a belt, measure its deflection ( fig. 6.3). Rating value of a deflection of a new belt of 8,0-9,0 mm which were in the use — 9,0—10,0 mm.
Fig. 6.4. An arrangement of a bolt for adjustment of a tension of a belt of a drive of the pump of the hydraulic booster of a steering
If the deflection size exceeds maximum permissible size, ослабьте a bolt of fastening of the pump of the hydraulic booster of a steering and adjust a belt tension ( fig. 6.4).