6.3.1. The design description
The prevention
Disconnect "the negative" plug of the battery before removal or installation of any electric equipment or when devices and tools can close not protected electric chains. The detachment of this plug will prevent reception of traumas and car damage. The key in the lock ignition always should be in the family way "In", will not be specified yet differently.
In the steering mechanism there is the rotary valve of the control directing a liquid from the pump of the hydraulic booster of a steering to one or other party of the piston gear рейки of the steering mechanism. The piston and gear рейка make one integral part of the steering mechanism. The piston gear рейки transforms pressure of a liquid to linear force which moves рейку on the left or to the right.
This force is transferred through steering draughts and tips of steering draughts to rotary fists which turn forward wheels. At malfunction of the hydraulic booster, driving is carried out in a usual mode. However thus it is necessary to apply большее effort. The steering wheel rotary motion is transferred to a gear wheel. At rotation of a gear wheel gear wheel teeths are hooked with teeths рейки, thereby force рейку to move.
Specifications of the steering mechanism with the hydraulic booster are resulted in tab. 6.5.
Table 6.5 Specifications of the steering mechanism with the hydraulic booster
The name
The description
Liquid of the hydraulic booster of a wheel
Refuelling capacity, l
The general transfer number
Angle of rotation of the steering mechanism with the amplifier
Tyres 144, 155
The internal
The external
The internal
The external
Gear рейка
The spherical hinge
Synthetic oils and литиевые greasings
The moments of an inhaling of the steering mechanism with the hydraulic booster are resulted in tab. 6.6.
Table 6.6 the Moments of an inhaling of the steering mechanism with the hydraulic booster, Нм
Bolt of an arm of fastening of the steering mechanism
Nut of fastening of a gear wheel of the steering mechanism with the amplifier
Dustproof casing of the steering mechanism with the amplifier
Branch pipe of pressure of the steering mechanism with the amplifier
Branch pipe of pressure of oil of the hydraulic booster of a wheel