6.3.3. Repair of the steering mechanismRemoval
Turn out the bottom coupling bolt of fastening of an intermediate shaft.
Remove a wheel.
Remove tips of steering draughts.
Turn out nuts of fastening of a reception exhaust pipe.
Remove рейку and a gear wheel in gathering in a following order:
Fig. 6.13. An arrangement of unions of fastening of tubes of return (1) and entrance (2) lines of pressure of the steering mechanism
- Disconnect a tube of return 1 ( fig. 6.13 see ) liquids from the steering mechanism;
- Disconnect a tube of pressure 2 from the steering mechanism;
- Close apertures of the hydraulic booster of a steering for prevention of leak of a liquid or pollution;
Fig. 6.25. An arrangement of bolts (1) fastenings of an arm (2) steering mechanisms
- Turn out bolts 1 ( fig. 6.25) fastenings of an arm of the hydraulic booster of a steering;
- Remove an arm of 2 fastenings of the steering mechanism;
Fig. 6.26. An arrangement of consolidation (1) steering mechanisms
The note
After moving of a gear wheel towards the passenger and its pushing out from outside the driver in an aperture under a body remove the steering mechanism.
Fig. 6.27. An arrangement of connecting nuts (1 and 2) fastenings of tubes of the cylinder to the steering mechanism
Turn away connecting nuts 1 and 2 ( fig. 6.27) and remove tubes of the cylinder from the steering mechanism.
Remove the bearing рейки in a following order:
Fig. 6.28. Removal of a counternut (1) adjusting stoppers (2) and an adjusting spring (3) from the steering mechanism
- Turn away a counternut 1 ( fig. 6.28) an adjusting stopper;
- Turn out an adjusting stopper 2;
- Remove an adjusting spring 3.
Remove a gear wheel in a following order:
Fig. 6.29. Removal of a dustproof cover (1) and a lock ring (2) from the steering mechanism
- Remove a lock ring 2;
Fig. 6.30. Removal of a dustproof cover (1) and counternuts (2) gear wheels
- Remove a dustproof cover 1 ( fig. 6.30) gear wheels;
- Turn away a counternut of 2 gear wheels. If the shaft is not kept, damage of teeths of a gear wheel is possible. Keeping a shaft, turn away a counternut from a gear wheel;
Fig. 6.31. Removal of a gear wheel (1) from the bearing of the steering mechanism
- Remove a gear wheel 1 ( fig. 6.31) from the bearing. Using a hammer and выколотку, beat out a gear wheel, having established выколотку vertically on a gear wheel;
Fig. 6.32. Use of a rubber hammer and выколотки (1) for выбивания the bearing from the steering mechanism
- Using a rubber hammer and выколотку 1 ( fig. 6.32), beat out the bearing from the steering mechanism;
Fig. 6.33. Removal of an epiploon (1) shaft of a gear wheel, the needle bearing (2) and a lock ring (3)
- Remove an epiploon 1 ( fig. 6.33) a gear wheel shaft;
- Remove the needle bearing 2;
- Remove a lock ring 3.
The prevention
The case реечного the steering mechanism with the hydraulic booster and рейка not repaired. Faulty details replace as one whole knot.
Check up tips of steering draughts and the spherical hinge on absence of damages.
Check up tips of steering draughts and the case of the steering mechanism on absence of deformation and deterioration.
Fig. 6.34. A place of check of a gear wheel (1) on absence of damages or deterioration
Check up a gear wheel 1 ( fig. 6.34) on absence of damages or deterioration.
Fig. 6.35. A check place реечной a tooth gearing (1) and cases (2) steering mechanisms on absence of damages or deterioration
Check up реечную a tooth gearing 1 ( fig. 6.35) and the case 2 steering mechanisms on absence of damages or deterioration.
Check up an epiploon of a shaft of a gear wheel on absence of leak and deterioration.
Check up the needle bearing and the gear wheel bearing on absence of deterioration.
Replace faulty details.
Establish a gear wheel in a following order:
Fig. 6.36. Installation of a lock ring (1), the needle bearing (2) and an epiploon of a shaft of a gear wheel (3)
- Establish the needle bearing 2;
- Using выколотку, establish an epiploon of a shaft of a gear wheel 3.
Fig. 6.37. An arrangement and the moment of an inhaling of a counternut (1) gear wheels
Screw a counternut of a gear wheel 1 ( fig. 6.37) and tighten its moment 40—50 Нм.
Fig. 6.38. Installation of a dustproof cover (1), a lock ring (2) and a plastic dustproof cover (3)
Establish a dustproof cover 1 ( fig. 6.38) and tighten its moment 45—55 Нм.
Establish a lock ring 2 and a plastic dustproof cover 3.
Establish the bearing рейки in a following order:
Fig. 6.39. Installation of an adjusting spring (1), an adjusting stopper (2) and counternuts (3) stoppers
- Establish an adjusting spring 1 ( fig. 6.39);
- Screw and tighten an adjusting stopper 2;
- Tighten a counternut of 3 stoppers.
Establish tubes of the cylinder from the steering mechanism and fix their connecting nuts 1 and 2 ( fig. 6.27 see ), having tightened their moment 25—35 Нм.
Establish реечный the steering mechanism in gathering on the car.
Installation of the steering mechanism spend to sequences, return to removal.
Establish an arm of fastening of the steering mechanism with the amplifier and fix bolts, having tightened their moment 50—55 Нм.
Connect tubes of the hydraulic booster of a steering and tighten unions of tubes the moment 21—35 Нм.
Fill a tank with a liquid of the hydraulic booster of a steering.
The note
At доливке to a liquid or its full replacement always use a liquid of mark DEXTRON—II or DEXTRON—III. Use of other liquid can become the reason of damage of hoses and epiploons and liquid leaks. Check up hydraulic system on absence of leaks. At leak detection, eliminate the reason of its formation and pump over system.