7.5.2. A support of a forward brake
At work brake колодок the brake dust containing asbestos, unhealthy is formed. Therefore at clearing brake колодок do not use compressed air and do not inhale a dust. For clearing of brake mechanisms use only a special cleaner of brakes.
Necessarily replace supports in steam even if one support has failed only.
The note
In the presence of leak of a brake liquid from a support, replace it on new, instead of repair.
Fig. 7.53. An arrangement of bolts (1) fastenings of a support to the holder (2)
Turn out bolts 1 ( fig. 7.53) support fastenings to the holder 2, thus the second key keep directing fingers from проворачивания. Remove a support from the holder with the cylinder.
Fig. 7.54. Removal from the holder of a support brake колодок (1), a clamping spring (2) and a directing finger and a protective cover (3)
Remove brake колодки 1 ( fig. 7.54) from the holder of a support.
Remove a clamping spring 2.
Remove directing finger and a protective cover 3.
Fig. 7.55. An arrangement of the union of prorolling (1) and a dustproof cap (2) on a support of a forward brake
Remove a dustproof cap and turn out the prorolling union ( fig. 7.55)
Fig. 7.56. Removal of a protective cover of the piston (1)
Remove a protective cover of the piston 1 ( fig. 7.56).
Clear of a dust and a dirt a support. Do not inhale risen dust.
Fig. 7.57. Giving of compressed air (1) for expression of the piston (2) from the cylinder of the holder of a support
Fix a support in a vice. Take the piston from a support, for what submit air under low pressure to the brake cylinder through an aperture for connection of a brake hose 1 ( fig. 7.57), having established instead of brake колодок wooden брусок. Remove wooden брусок and cautiously take the piston.
Fig. 7.58. Use of a screw-driver for extraction of an epiploon (1) from a flute of the cylinder of a support
Accurately, not to damage a cylinder wall, take out an epiploon 1 of a flute of the cylinder of a support an edge of a flat screw-driver as the lever ( fig. 7.58).
Check up a condition of all details of a support and replace the worn out or damaged details. Special attention turn on the cylinder and the piston. In the presence of scratches, рисок, deterioration or dot corrosion replace the piston and the cylinder. Irrespective of a condition replace all rubber details.
Wash out all details in methyl spirit or a pure brake liquid and wipe them. Blow tubes and apertures the compressed air.
Apply a thin film a brake liquid on an epiploon and the piston.
Establish a piston epiploon.
By means of the special adaptation or the hammer handle press the piston into the support cylinder.
Screw the union of prorolling and tighten its moment 6 Нм.
Establish directing finger and a protective cover.
Establish a spring.
Establish brake колодки.
Screw the bolts, connecting the holder of a support with the cylinder with a support.
Tighten bolts the moment 26 Нм.
After blow air the cylinder and fill with its fresh brake liquid.