10.12.6. Elimination негерметичности glassesSome негерметичности can be restored glasses around without glass removal.
The prevention
This type of repair use only for the glasses established уретаном.
Remove decorative молдинг in a leak place. For leaking detection removal молдинга or upholsteries can be demanded.
At water dispersion on leak area press glass in a direction outside to define the size of a leak.
Note a leak site.
Use water to clear a dirt round noted place. Dry up a place the compressed air.
Fig. 10.146. A kind of a glutinous material of a windscreen after cutting of rough sides
Using a sharp knife, cut off rough sides of a glutinous material round a leak on distance from 75 to 100 mm in both parties from a leak place ( fig. 10.146).
Fig. 10.147. First coat drawing on the cleared site
Allow to a first coat to dry up 5 minutes.
Smear glue in a place of a leak and on distances from 75 to 100 mm in both parties from a leak place.
Fig. 10.148. Hermetic sealing has flown down шпателем
Right after glue applications, using шпатель, cover glue in a leak place between an initial glutinous material and a car body to create water-proof consolidation ( fig. 10.148).
Spray warm or hot water on the restored area as leak definition. Do not direct the big water stream on recently stuck place.
Establish decorative молдинг if it has been removed.
The prevention
After end of any repair негерметичности recheck a leak place, using definition stands негерметичности. Do not conduct test of recently restored area as the repair material can be displaced under pressure.