Daewoo Matiz since 1997 of release
1. The general data
2. Maintenance service
2.1. Maintenance service
2.2. Replacement of engine oil and the oil filter
2.3. Replacement of spark plugs
2.4. Check
2.5. Check and adjustment of a corner of an advancing of ignition
2.6. Check of system of cooling on absence of leaks
2.7. Check of level of oil in a transmission
2.8. Check of the spherical hinge of a forward suspension bracket
2.9. Check axial
люфта a
back wheel
2.10. Prorolling of system of the hydraulic booster of a steering
2.11. Removal of air from brake system
2.11.1. Replacement of a brush of a screen wiper
2.11.2. Greasing
2.11.3. Fastenings and carving connections
2.12. Anticorrosive materials
3. The engine
4. Transmission
5. A running gear
6. A steering
7. Brake system
8. Systems of heating, ventilation and air-conditioning
9. A body electric equipment
10. A body
11. Schemes
2.11.2. Greasing
Loops of a cowl and the cowl lock periodically grease for their appropriate work.
To return back
2.11.1. Replacement of a brush of a screen wiper
On the following page
2.11.3. Fastenings and carving connections