8.2.2. System checksThe basic checks
Central air check
If you have suspected malfunction of a central air, check up:
- An external surface of a radiator and a condenser radiator to be convinced that air stream is not blocked by a dirt or other alien material;
Th narrowing or bend of a tube of a radiator of the condenser, hoses and tubes;
- Work крыльчатки the fan;
- All air pipes on absence of leaks or narrowings. Air low flow can specify in narrowing of tubes of a radiator of the evaporator;
Th absence проскальзывания compressor couplings;
- A tension of a belt of a drive of the compressor.
Operations of "fast check insufficient air conditioning
Execute the following check quickly to be convinced, whether the central air of air by a coolant 134а is filled properly :
- Warm up the engine and allow to it to work on frequency of rotation of idling;
- Open a cowl and all doors;
- Include air conditioner;
- Translate a regulator of temperature of air in extreme position cold air;
- Translate the switch of modes of the fan in position 4;
-Armed define temperature of a target tube of the evaporator. The tube should be cold;
- Check up on absence of other malfunctions;
- Check up tightness of a central air. If you find out leak, discharge system and, if necessary, make - leak repair. After repair end, merge all remained coolant and repeatedly charge system.
Central air check on leak presence
Every time when suspect about leak presence of system, check. Check it is necessary to spend each time at carrying out of service works because of which there can be infringements in lines or connections. Basically leak occurs on branch pipes or in connections. Leak can be caused:
- The inadequate moment of an inhaling;
- The damaged sealing ring;
- A dirt or down on a sealing ring.
Detectors of leak of a liquid
Use a solution of the detector of leak of a liquid on branch pipes. Put a solution a brush in the field. Define places of formation of vials. For those areas where it is not convenient, such as evaporator and condenser area, it is more convenient to use the electronic detector of leak.
The electronic detector of leak
Follow instructions of the manufacturer on calibration, work and service of the electronic detector of leak. A condition of the storage battery especially important for accuracy of portable model of the electronic detector of leak. Establish the detector on coolant R—134a prior to the beginning of check.
The prevention
Electronic detectors of leak are very sensitive to a liquid стеклоомывателя, to solvents, cleaners and sticky substances on the car.
Surfaces should be pure for prevention of erroneous indications. Be convinced that all surfaces dry for prevention of damage of the detector.
Check spend as follows:
- Check up all central air;
- Completely examine each connection with speed in 25—50 mm a second;
- Keep the gauge at arm's length 6 mm from a surface;
- Do not block the channel of an input of air.
The heard sound varies from 1 to 2 clicks in a second to a constant signal if there is a leak. Adjust the control of balance for maintenance 1—2 clicks in a second.
Check up all following areas even after acknowledgement of one leak:
- Inlet and final tubes of the evaporator;
- Inlet and final tubes of a tank of a coolant;
- Inlet and final tubes of the condenser;
- The soldered and welded areas;
- The damaged areas;
- Connections of hoses;
- The back party of the compressor;
- All branch pipes and connections.
Check of served channels / entrance valves
Sealing cover — a primary sealant for served channels. The cover contains a tight special sealing ring. Be convinced that a cover have not forgotten to establish at assemblage and that it is not weakened. Always use a corresponding cover.
Check of a radiator of the evaporator
Leak presence in an evaporator radiator is very difficult for finding out. Check up an evaporator radiator as follows:
- Include the fan and establish the switch of modes in position 4 at least for 15 minutes;
- Switch off the fan;
- Wait for 10 minutes;
- Remove the resistor of the engine of the fan;
- Enter щуп the leak detector so, how much it is possible to an evaporator radiator. The detector will show leak with a constant signal;
- Use a pocket lantern for search of oil of a coolant on a radiator surface.
Check of a cuff of an axis of the compressor
Blow compressed air forward and back parts of coupling/pulley of the compressor at least 15 with.
Wait 1—2 minutes.
Probe a forward part of a pulley. If the detector publishes a constant signal, there is a leak.
Diagnostics of insufficient air-conditioning and pressure in system
Diagnostics of insufficient air-conditioning is resulted in tab. 8.12.
Table 8.12 Diagnostics of insufficient air-conditioning
Performed works
Include ignition (without starting up the engine).
Connect measuring instruments high (1500 кПа) and low (200 кПа) pressure.
Whether there are both pressure within the established size?
The step 3 see
1. Add coolant R-134a.
2. Check up air central air on leak.
3. If necessary eliminate coolant leak.
4. Restore, release and recharge air central air.
Whether there are both pressure within the established size?
The step 3 see
1. Start up the engine and allow to work to it on frequency of idling.
2. Establish handles of management of an air conditioning in following positions:
The switch of the conditioner of air in position ON (ВКЛ);
The management switch fresh air in position fresh air;
The switch of operating modes of the fan in a mode 4;
Regulator of temperature of air in a mode cold air.
Whether coupling of the compressor of the conditioner is linked?
The step 4 see
The step 6 see
1. Check up on presence of knocking noise from the conditioner compressor.
2. Periodically switch on and off the compressor for check of a source of noise.
Whether you hear loud knocking noise?
The step 5 see
The step 9 see
1. Restore a coolant in air central air.
2. Replace the compressor of the conditioner of air.
3. Discharge and recharge air central air.
4. Check up air central air on leak presence.
Repair is finished?
The step 9 see
1. Switch off ignition.
2. Disconnect a socket of the coil of coupling of the compressor.
3. Connect a wire the negative plug of the storage battery to the plug of the coil of coupling of the compressor.
4. Connect a wire to a safety lock the positive plug of the storage battery with the plug of the coil of coupling of the compressor.
Whether coupling of the compressor of the conditioner is linked?
The step 7 see
The step 8 see
Repair an electric chain of the coil of coupling of the compressor. Whether it is linked муфта the conditioner compressor?
The step 14 see
The step 8 see
Replace the coil муфты the compressor.
Whether it is linked муфта the conditioner compressor?
The step 4 see
The step 5 see
Attention: Execute this check in garage conditions: 21-32 With and without influence of solar beams. Check spend carefully for reception of exact results.
1. Close all windows and car doors.
2. Establish management handles in following positions:
The switch of the conditioner of air in position ОN (ВКЛ);
The step 11 see
The step 10 see
The management switch fresh air in position fresh air;
The switch of operating modes of the fan in a mode 4;
Regulator of temperature of air in a mode cold air.
3. Start up the engine and allow to work on frequency of idling of 5 minutes.
4. Bring a hand to entrance and target tubes of the evaporator.
Whether there is a difference of temperatures of air in entrance and target tubes of the evaporator?
1. Restore a coolant in air central air.
2. If necessary replace the broad valve.
3. Discharge and recharge air central air.
4. Check up system leak presence.
5. Pay attention to temperature of air of a discharge at the included conditioner.
Whether normal temperature of a discharge?
The step 11 see
The step 12 see
Bring a hand to a tube between the condenser and the broad valve.
Tube cold?
The step 13 see
1. Restore a coolant in air central air.
2. Discharge and recharge air central air.
3. Check up air central air on leak presence.
Repair is finished?
The system is perfectly in order
1. Start up the engine and increase frequency of rotation to 3000 mines-1.
2. Close all windows and car doors.
The system is perfectly in order
The step 16 see
3. Establish management handles in following positions:
The switch of the conditioner of air in position ON (ВКЛ);
The management switch fresh air in position fresh air;
The switch of operating modes of the fan in a mode 4;
Regulator of temperature of air in a mode cold air.
4. Everyone 20 with switch on and off the conditioner of air within 3 minutes
Whether there are pressure sizes in lines high (1500 кПа) and low (200 кПа) pressure within the established size?
1. Switch off ignition.
2. Switch off air conditioner.
3. Try to turn a coupling drive (not a pulley).
Whether you can turn easier coupling by hands?
The step 12 see
The step 15 see
1. Restore a coolant in air central air.
2. Replace the compressor of the conditioner of air.
3. Discharge and recharge air central air.
Repair is finished?
The system is perfectly in order
Add coolant R-134a.
Whether the car salon is well cooled?
The system is perfectly in order
The step 15 see
Diagnostics of check of pressure is resulted in tab. 8.13.
Table 8.13 Diagnostics of check of pressure
The possible reason
Elimination method
Pressure at a discharge on a high pressure line too high
After a stop of the compressor pressure quickly falls, then falls gradually
There is air in system
Restore, discharge and recharge system with the established quantity of a coolant
The condenser excessively hot
In system superfluous quantity of a coolant
Restore, discharge and recharge system with the established quantity of a coolant
Restriction or absence of a stream of air through the condenser
Condenser or radiator edges are littered hammered)
Clean condenser and radiator edges
The condenser or radiator fan work in the inadequate image
Check up pressure and frequency of rotation of the fan
Check up a direction of rotation of the fan
The line conducting to the condenser, excessively hot
Restriction of a stream of a coolant in system
Find and repair a narrowing place
The condenser not the hot
Insufficient quantity of a coolant in system
Check up system on leak presence
High and low pressure are counterbalanced soon after a compressor stop
Pressure in a line of low pressure above the normal
The faulty compressor
Repair or replace the compressor
The target tube of the broad valve does not become covered by ice, the measuring instrument of low pressure shows vacuum (depression)
The faulty broad valve
Moisture presence in system
Replace the broad valve
Restore, discharge and recharge system
Pressure всасывания (in a line of low pressure) too low
The condenser hot
Insufficient quantity of a coolant in system
Eliminate leak
Restore, discharge and recharge system
The broad valve does not become covered by ice and a line of low pressure not the cold.
The measuring instrument of low pressure shows vacuum (depression)
Freezing of a broad tank
The faulty broad valve
Replace the broad valve
Discharge temperature low and the stream of air from ventilating apertures is limited
Evaporator freezing
Clean the limited pass to an evaporator casing
The broad valve does not become covered by ice
Pollution of the broad valve
Clean or replace the broad valve
Target tube of a tank of a coolant cold, and the entrance warm
Freezing of a tank of a coolant
Replace a coolant tank
Pressure всасывания too high
Temperature of a hose of low pressure and control connection more low, than temperature round the evaporator
The broad valve opens on too wide interval of time
Replace the broad valve
Pressure всасывания goes down at cooling of the condenser by water
In system superfluous quantity of a coolant
Restore, discharge and recharge system
Pressure всасывания and pressure at a discharge too high
The stream of air passing through the condenser, is limited
Condenser or radiator edges are littered
Clean condenser and radiator edges
Fans of cooling of a radiator work in the inadequate image
Check up pressure and frequency of rotation of the fan of a radiator
Pressure всасывания and pressure at a discharge too low
Temperature in the field of a hose of low pressure and a metal tip below evaporator temperature
The hose of low pressure is polluted or will drive
Repair or replace a hose of low pressure
Temperature round the broad valve low in comparison with temperature round a coolant tank
The high pressure line is polluted
Repair or replace a high pressure line
Coolant leak
Pollution of coupling of the compressor
Leak from an epiploon of an axis of the compressor
Repair or replace the compressor
Compressor lining damp from oil
Leak through a compressor lining
Repair or replace the compressor
Insufficient inhaling of fastenings in system
Repeatedly tighten connections (connections, bolts etc.)
Malfunction of a sealing ring
Replace a sealing ring