8.2.4. Removal and installation of knots of a central airThe button of inclusion of the conditioner
Remove молдинг control panel cases.
Remove the button of inclusion of the conditioner of air in a following order:
Fig. 8.27. Places of a detachment of a cable of management in temperature (1) and modes (2) from the heater module
- Disconnect a cable 1 ( fig. 8.27) managements in temperature from the heater module;
- Disconnect a cable of 2 managements of modes from the heater module;
Fig. 8.28. An arrangement of screws (1) fastenings of the control panel, the button (2) inclusions of the conditioner of air and an electric socket (3) buttons of inclusion of the conditioner of air
- Turn out screws 1 ( fig. 8.28) control panel fastenings in gathering;
- Having pressed a clamp, remove the button of 2 inclusions of the conditioner of air;
- Disconnect an electric socket of 3 buttons of inclusion of the conditioner of air.
Establish the button of inclusion of the conditioner of air on the control panel.
Connect an electric socket of the button of inclusion of the conditioner of air.
Connect a cable of management of modes to the heater module.
Connect a cable of management in temperature to the heater module.
Establish молдинг control panel cases.
Tank of a coolant and the double switch
Restore a coolant.
Remove an overlay of a forward bumper.
Remove a coolant tank in a following order:
Fig. 8.29. An arrangement of an electric socket (1), nuts (2) fastenings of a tank of a coolant, a bolt (3) fastenings of an arm and a sealing ring (4)
- Disconnect an electric socket 1 ( fig. 8.29) from the double switch;
- Turn away a nut of 2 fastenings of a tank of a coolant;
- Turn out a bolt of 3 fastenings of an arm;
- Remove and throw out a sealing ring 4.
Remove the double switch in a following order:
Fig. 8.30. Fastening in a vice of a tank of a coolant wrapped up by a matter (1) and removal of the double switch (2) and a sealing ring (3)
- Wrap up a tank of a coolant a matter 1 ( fig. 8.30), fix it in a vice;
- Turn out the double switch 2;
- Remove and throw out a sealing ring 3.
Establish a new sealing ring.
Screw the double switch and tighten its moment 13 Нм.
Establish a coolant tank.
Establish a new sealing ring.
Screw a bolt of fastening of an arm and tighten its moment 5 Нм.
Screw nuts of fastening of a tank of a coolant and tighten their moment 14 Нм.
Connect an electric socket to the double switch.
Establish an overlay of a forward bumper.
Discharge and repeatedly charge a central air.
Tank arm
Remove an overlay of a forward bumper.
Remove an arm of fastening of a tank of a coolant in a following order:
Fig. 8.31. An arrangement of bolts of fastening of a tank of a coolant (1) and an arm (2) tanks of a coolant
- Turn out a bolt 1 ( fig. 8.31) fastenings of an arm of a tank of a coolant;
- Turn out bolts of 2 fastenings of an arm of a tank to a body;
- Remove an arm of fastening of a tank of a coolant.
Establish an arm of a tank of a coolant and fix bolts.
Tighten bolts of fastening of an arm of a tank to a body the moment 5 Нм.
Tighten a bolt of an arm of a tank of a coolant the moment 5 Нм.
Establish an overlay of a forward bumper.
The compressor
Remove a coolant tank.
Remove a belt of a drive of the compressor of the conditioner of air.
Remove the conditioner compressor in a following order:
- Discharge and restore a coolant;
Fig. 8.32. An arrangement of bolts of fastening of a line low (1) and high (2) pressure of the compressor
- Turn away a bolt 1 ( fig. 8.32) fastenings of a line of low pressure of the compressor;
- Turn away a bolt of 2 fastenings of a line of a high pressure of the compressor;
Fig. 8.33. An arrangement of an electric socket (1), top (4) and bottom (2, 3) bolts of fastening of the compressor to an arm
- Disconnect an electric socket 1 ( fig. 8.33);
- Turn away the top bolt of 2 fastenings of the compressor to an arm;
- Turn away the bottom bolts of 3 fastenings of the compressor to an arm.
Establish the compressor and fix bolts.
Tighten the top bolt of fastening of the compressor to an arm the moment 20 Нм.
Tighten the bottom bolt of fastening of the compressor to an arm the moment 22 Нм.
Connect an electric socket.
Establish and fix a bolt a line of a high pressure of the conditioner of air.
Tighten a bolt of fastening of a line of a high pressure of the conditioner of air the moment 23 Нм.
Establish and fix a bolt a line of low pressure of the conditioner of air.
Tighten a bolt of fastening of a line of low pressure of the conditioner of air the moment 23 Нм.
Discharge and repeatedly charge air central air.
Establish a belt of a drive of the conditioner of air.
Establish a coolant tank.
The condenser
Disconnect a wire of "weight" from the storage battery.
Remove an overlay of a forward bumper.
Discharge and restore a coolant.
Remove the condenser in a following order:
Fig. 8.34. An arrangement of nuts of fastening of the branch pipes connecting the condenser and the compressor (1) and tank of a coolant (2)
- Turn away a nut 1 ( fig. 8.34) fastenings of a branch pipe connecting the condenser and the compressor;
- Turn away a nut of 2 fastenings of the branch pipe connecting the condenser and a tank of a coolant;
Fig. 8.35. An arrangement of nuts (1) fastenings of the condenser and a direction of pressing (2) and raisings (3) for removal of the condenser (4)
- Turn away a nut 1 ( fig. 8.35) condenser fastenings;
- Press the top part of the condenser 2;
- Raising the condenser 3, remove it from the bottom arm;
- Remove the condenser 4.
At installation use a new sealing ring.
Establish the condenser and fix nuts, having tightened their moment 4 Нм.
Tighten the branch pipes connecting the condenser and the compressor by the moment 23 Нм.
Tighten the branch pipes connecting the condenser and a tank of a coolant by the moment 14 Нм.
Discharge and recharge air central air.
Establish an overlay of a forward bumper.
Connect "a weight" wire to the storage battery.
High pressure line
Disconnect a wire of "weight" from the storage battery.
Remove an overlay of a forward bumper.
Discharge and repeatedly charge air central air.
Remove branch pipes of a line of a high pressure between the compressor and the condenser in a following order:
Fig. 8.36. An arrangement of a bolt (1) fastenings of a branch pipe of a line of a high pressure of the compressor
- Turn out a bolt 1 ( fig. 8.36), крепящий a branch pipe of a line of a high pressure of the compressor;
Fig. 8.37. An arrangement of a branch pipe (1) and nuts (2) fastenings of a clip
- Turn away a branch pipe 1 ( fig. 8.37), without touching a line of a high pressure of the condenser;
- Turn away a nut of 2 fastenings of a clip.
Remove a branch pipe of a line of the high pressure, connecting condenser and a coolant tank in a following order:
Fig. 8.38. An arrangement of the branch pipe (1) connecting a tank of a coolant with the condenser
- Turn away a branch pipe 1 ( fig. 8.38), a connecting tank of a coolant with the condenser;
Fig. 8.39. An arrangement of a nut (1) fastenings of a tank of a coolant
- Turn away a nut 1 ( fig. 8.39) fastenings of a tank of a coolant.
Remove a branch pipe of a line of the high pressure, connecting tank of a coolant and the evaporator in a following order:
- Remove редукционный the valve;
Fig. 8.40. An arrangement of a nut (1) fastenings of an arm and a nut (2) fastenings of a branch pipe
- Turn away a nut 1 ( fig. 8.40) arm fastenings;
- Turn away a nut 2 and disconnect a branch pipe.
At installation use a new sealing ring.
Establish branch pipes of a line of a high pressure and fix bolts, nuts and branch pipes.
Tighten a bolt of fastening of a branch pipe of a line of a high pressure to the compressor the moment 23 Нм.
Fig. 8.41. An arrangement and the moments of an inhaling of the branch pipe (1) connecting a tube of a line of a high pressure with the condenser, nuts (2) fastenings of an arm and a branch pipe (3) connecting a tube of a line of a high pressure with a tank of a coolant
Tighten a branch pipe 1 ( fig. 8.41), connecting a tube of a line of a high pressure with the condenser the moment 23 Нм.
Tighten a branch pipe 3 connecting a tube of a line of a high pressure with a tank of a coolant by the moment 14 Нм.
Tighten a nut of 2 fastenings of an arm the moment 5 Нм.
Tighten nuts of fastening of a tank of a coolant the moment 14 Нм.
Tighten a nut of fastening of a tube of a line of a high pressure to the evaporator the moment 14 Нм.
Establish редукционный the valve.
Discharge and repeatedly charge system.
Establish an overlay of a forward bumper.
Connect "a weight" wire to the storage battery.
Line of low pressure
Disconnect a wire of "weight" from the storage battery.
Remove an overlay of a forward bumper.
Discharge and repeatedly charge air central air.
Remove tubes of a line of low pressure in a following order:
Fig. 8.42. An arrangement of the nut (1), connecting a tube of a line of low pressure to the compressor
- Turn out a bolt 1 ( fig. 8.42), connecting a tube of a line of low pressure to the compressor;
Fig. 8.43. An arrangement of a nut (1) fastenings of an arm to a locking beam
- Turn away a nut 1 ( fig. 8.43) arm fastenings to a locking beam;
- Remove редукционный the valve;
Fig. 8.44. An arrangement of a nut (1) fastenings of a tube of a line of low pressure to the evaporator
- Turn away a nut 1 ( fig. 8.44) fastenings of a tube of a line of low pressure to the evaporator.
At installation use a new sealing ring.
Establish tubes of a line of low pressure.
Tighten a nut of fastening of a tube of a line of low pressure to the evaporator the moment 14 Нм.
Tighten a nut of fastening of an arm the moment 5 Нм.
Tighten a bolt of fastening of a tube of a line of low pressure to the compressor the moment 23 Нм.
Discharge and repeatedly charge system.
Connect "a weight" wire to the storage battery.
The evaporator
Disconnect a wire of "weight" from the storage battery.
Discharge and repeatedly charge air central air.
Turn away a nut of fastening of a branch pipe of a line of the high pressure, connecting a tank of a coolant with the evaporator and a nut of fastening of a branch pipe of a line of the low pressure, connecting the evaporator with the compressor.
Remove перчаточный a box.
Remove the evaporator in a following order:
Fig. 8.45. An arrangement of a drain hose (1)
Fig. 8.46. An arrangement of a socket of the thermoresistor (1), screws (2) and a direction (3) removals of the evaporator
- Disconnect a socket of the thermoresistor 1 ( fig. 8.46);
- Turn away screws 2;
- Slowly shift the evaporator back 3.
Establish the evaporator and fix screws.
Connect a thermoresistor socket.
Establish a drain hose
Establish перчаточный a box.
Tighten a nut of fastening of a branch pipe of a line of the high pressure, connecting a tank of a coolant with the evaporator and a nut of fastening of a branch pipe of a line of the low pressure, connecting the evaporator with the compressor the moment 14 Нм.
Discharge and repeatedly charge system.
Connect "a weight" wire to the storage battery.
Evaporator radiator
Remove the evaporator.
Remove a radiator of the evaporator and the broad valve in a following order:
Fig. 8.47. An evaporator radiator: 1 — the top part of a casing of the evaporator; 2 — the screw; 3 — a clip; 4 — a branch pipe of a line of a high pressure; 5 — a plate sealant; 6 — a plate; 7 — the bottom part of a casing of the evaporator; 8 — screws; 9 — a branch pipe; 10 — the thermoresistor
- Remove a clip 3;
- Turn out screws 8, крепящие an evaporator casing;
- Remove the top part of a casing of the evaporator 1;
- Remove the bottom part of a casing of the evaporator 7;
- Remove the thermoresistor 10;
- Turn away a branch pipe 4 and remove a high pressure line;
- Remove a plate 6;
- Remove a sealant of 5 plates;
Turn away a branch pipe 9 and remove the broad valve.
Establish the broad valve and tighten a branch pipe of a line of a high pressure the moment 17 Нм.
Establish a sealant of a plate of the evaporator.
Establish a plate.
Establish a branch pipe of a line of a high pressure and tighten a branch pipe the moment 22 Нм.
Establish the thermoresistor.
Screw screws, крепящие an evaporator casing.
Establish a clip and fix the screw.
Establish the evaporator.