3.3.4. The generatorRemoval
Disconnect a wire of "weight" from the storage battery.
Fig. 3.99. An arrangement of a "positive" wire (1) and a socket (2) wires of the generator
Turn away a nut of fastening of a "positive" wire 1 ( fig. 3.99) the storage battery.
Disconnect a socket of a wire 2 from the generator.
Remove a belt of a drive of the generator in a following order:
Fig. 3.100. An arrangement of an adjusting bolt (1) and a bolt and a nut (2) bottom fastenings of an arm of the generator
- ослабьте an adjusting bolt of the generator 1 ( fig. 3.100);
- Turn out a bolt and a nut 2 bottom fastenings of an arm of the generator;
- Remove a belt of a drive of the generator from the generator.
Remove the bottom arm of fastening of the engine in a following order:
Fig. 3.101. An arrangement of a bolt and a nut (1) and bolts (2) fastenings of the bottom arm of the engine (3)
- Turn out a bolt and a nut 1 ( fig. 3.101) fastenings of an arm of the engine;
- Turn out bolts of 2 fastenings of the bottom arm of the engine;
- Remove the bottom arm of fastening of the engine 3.
Turn out an adjusting bolt and cautiously remove the generator.
Generator installation spend to sequences, return to removal, taking into account the following.
Fig. 3.102. A bolt arrangement () fastenings of the bottom arm and a bolt and a nut (b) connecting jet draught with the bottom arm
Establish bolts and nuts of the bottom arm of fastening of the engine. Tighten bolts and ( fig. 3.102) the bottom arm of fastening of the engine the moment 35—41 Нм.
Tighten connecting bolt and a nut b jet draught with the bottom arm of fastening of the engine the moment 68—83 Нм.
Fig. 3.103. An arrangement of an adjusting bolt () and a bolt and a nut (b) fastenings of the bottom arm of the engine
Tighten an adjusting bolt and ( fig. 3.103) the moment 4—7 Нм.
Tighten a bolt and a nut b the bottom arm of fastening of the engine the moment 18—28 Нм.
Check up a tension приводного a generator belt.