3.1.8. A gear belt
Fig. 3.15. A gear belt and an engine mount: 1 — an engine pillow; 2 — an intermediate arm of the engine; 3 — a fastening arm of the engine; 4 — an arm of fastening of a transmission; 5 — a transmission pillow; 6 — a forward arm of an engine mount; 7 — the plug of a forward arm; 8 — a gear belt; 9 — натяжитель a gear belt; 10 — a pulley of a cranked shaft; 11 — the top casing of a gear belt; 12 — the bottom casing of a gear belt; 13 — a pulley of a cranked shaft; 14 — the bottom arm of an engine mount; 15 — the top arm of an engine mount
The gear belt and engine mount are shown on fig. 3.15.
Disconnect a wire of "weight" from the storage battery.
Remove the right headlight.
Remove a belt of a drive of the generator, the compressor of the conditioner and the pump of the amplifier of a steering.
Fig. 3.16. An arrangement of bolts (1) fastenings of the top part of a casing (2) gear belts
Turn out bolts 1 ( fig. 3.16) and remove the top part of a casing 2 gear belts.
Remove the right wheel.
Fig. 3.17. A direction of rotation of a pulley (1) cranked shaft for combination of a label "and" on a pulley of a camshaft with a label b on a back casing of a gear belt
Combine labels on pulleys of cranked and distributive shaft. For a bolt of fastening of a pulley 1 ( fig. 3.17) a cranked shaft, rotate a cranked shaft clockwise while the label "and" on a camshaft pulley will not coincide with a label b on a back casing of a gear belt.
Fig. 3.18. Screw-driver use () for fixing of a flywheel from проворачивания at a reversing of a bolt (1) fastenings of a pulley (2) cranked shaft
Edge of a flat screw-driver and ( fig. 3.18) fix a flywheel from проворачивания and turn out a bolt of 1 fastening of a pulley 2 cranked shaft. Remove a pulley from a cranked shaft.
Remove directing tube of the index of level of oil and the bottom part of a forward casing of a gear belt in a following order:
Fig. 3.19. An arrangement of a bolt (1) fastenings of a directing tube (2) indexes of level of oil and bolts (3) fastenings of the bottom part of a forward casing (4) gear belts
- Remove directing tube 2 indexes of level of oil;
- Turn out bolts 3;
- Remove the bottom part of a forward casing 4 gear belts.
Fig. 3.20. An arrangement of a bolt (1) fastenings натяжителя (2) gear belts
Ослабьте a bolt натяжителя a gear belt 1 ( fig. 3.20).
Remove a gear belt 2.
Installation of a gear belt spend to sequences, return to removal, taking into account the following.
If the cranked shaft or a camshaft were turned in the course of installation of a gear belt, by all means execute adjustment of installation of a gear belt.
Tighten a bolt натяжителя a gear belt the moment 15—23 Нм.
Turn a cranked shaft on two turns and combine labels on a pulley of a camshaft and on a back casing of a gear belt, then tighten a bolt натяжителя.
Tighten bolts of fastening of the bottom part of a forward casing of a gear belt the moment 9—12 Нм.
Tighten a bolt of a directing tube oil щупа the moment 9—12 Нм.
Tighten bolts of the top part of a forward casing of a gear belt the moment 9—12 Нм.
Edge of a flat screw-driver and ( fig. 3.18 see ) fix a flywheel from проворачивания and tighten a bolt of 1 fastening of a pulley 2 cranked shaft the moment 65—75 Нм.