3.1.16. The block of cylinders, a cranked shaft, pistons and rodsDismantling
Fig. 3.58. Details of the block of cylinders: 1 — the index (щуп) oil level; 2 — the piston; 3 — a rod; 4 — the block of cylinders; 5 — the oil filter; 6 — a flywheel; 7 — a cranked shaft; 8 — the oil pallet; 9 — маслоприемный a branch pipe; 10 — the oil pump in gathering
Details of the block of cylinders are presented on fig. 3.58.
Remove the engine and a transmission.
Remove a transmission from the engine.
Remove a flywheel.
Establish the engine on the stand for major repairs of the engine of KM 412.
Merge engine oil from the engine.
Remove a head of the block of cylinders.
Remove the oil pump from the block of cylinders.
Remove all details attached to the block of cylinders.
Remove a belt of a drive of the pump of the amplifier of steering management/compressor of the conditioner.
Turn out bolts of fastening of the compressor of the conditioner, and reject it downwards.
Turn out a bolt/nut and an adjusting bolt of a back arm of the pump of the amplifier of a steering.
Fig. 3.59. An arrangement of bolts (1) fastenings of an arm (2) compressors of the conditioner and the pump of the amplifier of a steering and an arm (3)
Turn out bolts 1 ( fig. 3.59) fastenings of an arm of the compressor of the conditioner.
Remove the conditioner compressor, the pump of the amplifier of a steering and an arm 2.
Remove an arm 3.
Turn out the top bolt of fastening of the generator.
Turn out the bottom bolt and a nut of fastening of the generator.
Remove the generator and a belt.
Fig. 3.60. An arrangement of bolts (1) fastenings of the top arm of the engine (3) and a sliding arm (2) generators and bolts (4) fastenings of the bottom arm (5) engines
Turn out bolts 1 ( fig. 3.60) the top arm of fastening of the engine.
Remove a sliding arm of the generator 2.
Remove the top arm 3.
Turn out bolts 4 bottom arms of fastening of the engine.
Remove the bottom arm 5.
Remove the oil pallet and маслоприемный a branch pipe in a following order:
Fig. 3.61. An arrangement of bolts (1) and nuts (2) fastenings of the oil pallet (3) and bolts (4) fastenings маслоприемного a branch pipe
- Turn out nuts 2;
- Remove the oil pallet 3;
- Turn out bolts 4;
- Remove маслоприемный a branch pipe 5 and a sealing ring.
Clear привалочные surfaces of the oil pallet and the block of cylinders.
Remove covers of rods in a following order:
- Slowly turn a cranked shaft that the big head of a rod of the first cylinder was above;
- Turn out nuts of fastening of a cover of a rod;
- Uncover rod heads;
- Put on rod hairpins protective hoses for damage prevention шатунных necks of a cranked shaft and walls of cylinders;
- Put labels on covers of heads of rods;
- Remove the bottom loose leaf шатунного the bearing. If the loose leaf is established again, paste its sticky tape to the removed cover.
If in the top part of the cylinder the fillet was formed, it is necessary for removing development or шабером, without having damaged a cylinder wall. Fillet formation specifies in the strengthened deterioration of the cylinder.
Remove the piston and a rod in a following order:
- Remove the piston and a rod, pressing a carving hairpin in a direction to a block head;
- Remove the top loose leaf шатунного the bearing;
- Put combination labels on the piston and a rod;
- Repeat operations with pistons and rods of the second and third cylinders.
Put a cover on a rod and fix bolts to keep a former assembly order of details.
Fig. 3.62. The piston and a rod: 1 — a lock ring; 2 — a piston finger; 3 — the piston; 4 — top компрессионное a ring; 5 — bottom компрессионное a ring; 6 — маслосъемное a ring; 7 — a lock ring; 8 — a rod; 9 — a rod cover
Before check of pistons with rods remove from pistons piston rings and carefully clear pistons ( fig. 3.62).
For removal of piston rings from pistons unclench a ring, insert under it in regular intervals on a circle two or three old edges щупа and on them shift a ring from the piston. Be cautious, do not scratch the piston the ring ends. Rings very fragile also can burst, if them to unclench very strongly. Handle with care with sharp working edges of piston rings not to be cut. Hold each set of rings together with pistons for their repeated installation on the places.
Remove a lock ring and pull out a piston finger for piston and rod separation.
Check, measurements and adjustment
Wipe walls of cylinders and check up on absence of scratches or excessive deterioration. If necessary make расточку cylinders.
Fig. 3.63. Places of measurement of diameter of the cylinder
Measure internal diameter of cylinders by the tool for measurement of the chiseled apertures in longitudinal and cross-section directions in places a, b, c ( fig. 3.63). If the measured size above nominal (according to the specification), spend расточку till next repair size. Nominal diameter of cylinders of 68,570 mm.
Measure конусность the cylinder which should not exceed 0,10 mm.
Measure ovality of the cylinder which should not exceed 0,05 mm.
The note
The specification of the repair sizes: 0,25; 0,50; 0,75; 1,00. The repair size should be identical to all cylinders, pistons and piston rings.
Clean the piston a rag from a soft fabric and check up it on absence of damages to define: to replace the piston or not.
Fig. 3.64. Use of a micrometer (1) for measurement of diameter of the piston
Measure by a micrometer 1 ( fig. 3.64) diameter of the piston in a plane, a perpendicular axis of a piston finger, on distance of 15 mm from a bottom edge of a skirt of the piston.
Calculate a difference of measurements between internal diameter of the cylinder (50 mm more low привалочной surfaces of a head of the block of cylinders) and external diameter of the piston (15 mm above skirt edge). Rating value of a backlash of 0,025-0,045 mm.
The prevention
At measurement of diameter of an aperture of the cylinder and external diameter of the piston, calculate the measured values both in identical directions.
Piston rings
Fig. 3.65. Use щупа (1) for backlash measurement between a piston ring and a wall of a flute of the piston
Check up a backlash between a piston ring and a wall of a flute of the piston. For this purpose insert a ring from lateral aspect into a corresponding flute and щупом measure a backlash between the top surface of a ring and a flute wall ( fig. 3.65). If the measured size exceeds maximum permissible, replace the piston. Backlashes between a piston ring and a wall of a flute of the piston are resulted in tab. 3.4.
Table 3.4 Backlashes between a piston ring and a wall of a flute of the piston
Piston ring
Backlash between a piston ring and a wall of a flute of the piston, mm
The nominal
Maximum permissible
1 компрессионное
2 компрессионное
Fig. 3.66. Use щупа (1) for backlash measurement in the lock of a piston ring
Check up a backlash in the lock of a piston ring. Insert a ring into the corresponding cylinder and push the piston bottom downwards the cylinder to exclude a ring warp at measurement then get the piston. Measure a backlash щупом ( fig. 3.66). If the backlash exceeds norm, replace rings and repeat procedure.
If the backlash is too small (that it is improbable), is better to pick up new rings with a standard backlash in the lock. Otherwise because of смыкания rings at engine work there will be serious breakages. As a last resort, the backlash can be increased, accurately having filed end faces of the lock of a ring thin надфилем. For this purpose clamp надфиль in a vice with soft sponges, get a ring so that lock end faces have appeared on both parties надфиля; slowly moving a ring, remove an excessive material. Keep in mind that the ring very fragile and can easily break.
If the measured size of a backlash exceeds maximum permissible, replace piston rings. The backlash size in the lock of a piston ring is resulted in tab. 3.5.
Table 3.5 the Backlash in the lock of a piston ring
Piston ring
Backlash in the lock, mm
The nominal
Maximum permissible
1 компрессионное
2 компрессионное
Piston finger
Measure a backlash between a piston finger and an aperture in the piston. By a micrometer measure diameter of a piston finger. Нутромером measure diameter of an aperture in the piston for a piston finger. Calculate a difference of values of measurements between diameter of an aperture in the piston and diameter of a piston finger. Diameters of an aperture in the piston and a piston finger and backlash size are resulted in table 3.6.
Table 3.6 Diameters of an aperture in the piston and a piston finger and backlash size between a piston finger and an aperture in the piston
The name
Rating value, mm
Diameter of an aperture of a piston finger
Internal diameter of an aperture of the piston
Backlash between a piston finger and an aperture in the piston
Rods do not demand replacement, except for cases of jamming of the engine or other serious breakages. Check up a condition of rods visually. The deformed rods hand over on a car repair shop for check and repair by the skilled expert.
Rod replacement is spent only together with шатунной a cover.
Fig. 3.67. Measurement of an axial backlash between the bottom heads of rods and persistent half rings
Check up an axial backlash between the bottom heads of rods and persistent half rings ( fig. 3.67). Rating value of an axial backlash of 0,10-0,20 mm, maximum permissible value — 0,35 mm.
For measurement of a radial backlash of a rod it is necessary to use calibrated plastic core Plastigage.
Turn away bolts and uncover also loose leaves шатунного the bearing. Clear the loose leaf, a cover and a neck of a cranked shaft.
Cut off a slice of the plastic calibrated core which length is equal to width of the bearing, and lay it along an axis of a cranked shaft on a neck шатунного the bearing.
Establish a cover of a rod with the loose leaf and fix its nuts, having tightened the moment 31—35 Нм. Thus a cranked shaft do not turn.
Fig. 3.68. Measurement of width of the deformed plastic core (1) measuring scale put on packing of a plastic core
Turn away a nut and again uncover a rod. Compare width of the deformed plastic core to the measuring scale put on packing of a plastic core ( fig. 3.68). On a scale define a radial backlash. Rating value of a radial backlash of a cranked shaft of 0,020-0,040 mm, maximum permissible value — 0,065 mm.
Cranked shaft
Remove the block of cylinders.
Fig. 3.69. An arrangement of bolts (1) fastenings of a back cover with an epiploon (2) and bolts (3) fastenings of a cover (4) radical bearings with loose leaves
Turn out bolts and nuts 1 ( fig. 3.69) and remove a back cover with an epiploon 2 from the block of cylinders and a lining.
Turn out bolts 3 and remove covers of 4 radical bearings with loose leaves.
Remove a cranked shaft and the top loose leaves of radical bearings.
Check up necks of a cranked shaft on a roughness. Any appreciable roughness specifies in necessity of repolishing or replacement of a cranked shaft.
If a cranked shaft перешлифован, check up absence of agnails round apertures for greasing. The found out agnails remove надфилем or шабером and carefully clear apertures and channels of a shaving.
By micrometer measure diameter radical and шатунных necks of a cranked shaft and compare results to specifications. Necks measure in several points both on diameter, and on length. It will allow to reveal ovality and конусность at their presence.
Check up surfaces of contact of an oil epiploon on each end of a cranked shaft on deterioration and other damages. If the neck from consolidation is worn strongly out, probably, replacement of a cranked shaft is required.
Deterioration шатунной necks is characterised by the knocks of metal tone arising at work of the engine under loading, at small frequency of rotation and reduction of pressure of oil.
Deterioration of radical necks of a cranked shaft is characterised by strong vibration of the engine and the knock of metal tone amplifying at increase of frequency of rotation of the engine, and also reduction of pressure of oil.
Even if radical and шатунный bearings are subject to replacement at engine major repairs, they are necessary for examining carefully: on their defects it is possible to judge a technical condition of the engine.
The bearing can fail because of a lack of greasing, hit of a dirt and alien particles, an engine or corrosion overload. The reason which has caused an exit of the bearing out of operation, it is necessary to eliminate before the engine will repeatedly gather.
For survey of bearings remove and spread out them in the same order in what they have been established on the engine. It will allow to define a corresponding neck of a cranked shaft and will facilitate search of malfunctions.
Alien particles can get to the engine various ways. Metal particles appear in engine oil as a result of normal deterioration of the engine. Small particles together with engine oil can get to bearings and easily take root into its soft material. Larger particles, getting to the bearing, can scratch it or a neck of a cranked shaft. To prevent bearing failure for this reason, it is necessary to clear carefully all internal surfaces of the engine and to keep them clean at assemblage. It is recommended to observe demanded periodicity of replacement of oil with the filter.
Insufficient greasing of necks of a cranked shaft can be caused many reasons: an oil heat, an engine overload, oil leak and so forth
By the indicator of hour type measure radial palpation in the centre of a radical neck, having established a cranked shaft in V-shaped blocks and slowly turning it. If palpation exceeds the maximum permissible value equal of 0,03 mm, replace a cranked shaft.
Fig. 3.70. Installation of an arm with the indicator of hour type for measurement of an axial backlash of a cranked shaft
Measure an axial backlash of a cranked shaft. Establish on the block of cylinders of the engine an arm with the indicator of hour type so that the measuring tip of the indicator rested against an end face of a cranked shaft ( fig. 3.70).
Move a cranked shaft along an axis to one party against the stop and establish the indicator on 0. Move a cranked shaft along an axis to other party against the stop and fix value on the indicator. Rating value of an axial backlash of a cranked shaft of 0,11-0,31 mm, maximum permissible value — 0,40 mm.
Measure конусность and ovality of radical necks of a cranked shaft which should not exceed 0,01 mm.
For measurement of a radial backlash in bearings of a cranked shaft it is necessary to use calibrated plastic core Plastigage.
Turn away bolts and uncover also the loose leaf of the radical bearing. Clear the loose leaf, a cover and a neck of a cranked shaft.
Cut off a slice of the plastic calibrated core which length is equal to width of the bearing, lay it along an axis of a cranked shaft on a neck of the radical bearing.
Establish a cover of the radical bearing with the loose leaf and fix its bolts, having tightened the moment 55—60 Нм. Thus a cranked shaft do not turn.
Fig. 3.71. Measurement of width of the deformed plastic core (1) located on a radical neck of a cranked shaft by a measuring scale, put on packing of a plastic core
Turn away bolts and again uncover the radical bearing. Compare width of the deformed plastic core to the measuring scale put on packing of a plastic core ( fig. 3.71). On a scale define a radial backlash. Rating value of a radial backlash of a cranked shaft of 0,020-0,040 mm, maximum permissible value — 0,065 mm.
Check up a flywheel on deterioration from outside couplings and a condition of teeths of a gear wreath of a flywheel.
If there is a deterioration of a surface of the flywheel contacting to a disk of coupling, a flywheel it is necessary перешлифовать.
Fig. 3.72. Use of the indicator of hour type (1) for measurement of palpation of a flywheel
By the indicator of hour type measure flywheel palpation, having established a cranked shaft with a flywheel in V-shaped blocks and slowly turning it ( fig. 3.72). If palpation exceeds the maximum permissible value equal of 0,2 mm, replace a flywheel.
The block of cylinders
Using a metal ruler and щуп, check up planeness привалочной surfaces of the block of cylinders. If the deviation from planeness exceeds 0,05 mm, it is necessary перешлифовать a head. If it is necessary to spend polishing on depth more than 0,15 mm, it is necessary to replace the block of cylinders.
Grease with engine oil a lubricant flute and establish persistent half rings so that the lubricant flute has been directed outside.
Establish the top loose leaves of radical bearings in nests so that lubricant apertures have been directed to the oil filter, then establish a cranked shaft. At installation of loose leaves of radical bearings put an engine oil layer on an internal surface of the loose leaf or on a surface of a radical neck of a cranked shaft.
Establish covers of radical bearings with the bottom loose leaves placed in nests. Covers of radical bearings are consistently designated by figures from 1 to 4. Tighten bolts of fastening of covers of radical bearings the moment 50—60 Нм.
Grease with engine oil working edges of a back epiploon of a cranked shaft. Establish a lining and a back cover of the block of cylinders with an epiploon of a cranked shaft. Put on a carving of bolts of fastening of a cover контровочный the structure interfering their self-unscrewing, fix a cover bolts, having tightened their moment 9—12 Нм.
Establish the oil pump with a lining. For prevention of damage of an epiploon of the oil pump dress a hose on the end of a cranked shaft at its installation. Fix the oil pump bolts, having tightened their moment 9—12 Нм.
Collect the piston and a rod in a following order:
- Establish a piston finger;
- Fix a piston finger a lock ring.
At assemblage of the piston and a rod of the marksman on a piston head should be directed to a pulley of a cranked shaft and a lubricant aperture on the bottom head of a rod to a final collector.
Establish компрессионные and маслосъемные rings on pistons. At installation маслосъемного rings at first insert a broad ring, then two directing rings.
Establish bottom компрессионное a ring a label R upwards.
Fig. 3.73. An arrangement of locks of piston rings: and — the lock top компрессионного rings; b — the lock bottom компрессионного rings; with — the lock of the top directing ring; d — the lock of a broad ring; e — the lock of the bottom directing ring; f — an adjusting label (arrow); g — the piston bottom
Turn piston rings so that locks of rings settled down, as is shown in fig. 3.73.
Grease pistons, rings, walls of cylinders and loose leaves шатунных necks and a neck of a cranked shaft with engine oil.
Fix a tube dressed on a carving hairpin of a rod, for prevention of damage of walls of cylinders and radical necks of a cranked shaft.
Before piston installation in the cylinder, piston rings it is necessary to compress a coupling tape collar 09916—77310.
Fig. 3.74. Use wooden бруска (1) for piston installation in the engine cylinder
Insert the piston with the piston rings compressed by a coupling tape collar, into the top part of the cylinder. Thus arrows on the bottoms of pistons should be directed to a pulley of a cranked shaft. Using wooden брусок or the hammer handle, press the piston into the cylinder ( fig. 3.74).
Check up combination of the bottom head of a rod with a neck of a cranked shaft. If necessary tighten the piston a rod and establish the bottom head of a rod with the loose leaf on a neck of a cranked shaft.
Establish the bottom loose leaf шатунного the bearing on a neck of a cranked shaft.
Establish a rod cover that the arrow on a cover has been directed to a pulley of a cranked shaft. Fix covers nuts, having tightened their moment 31—35 Нм.
Establish маслоприемный a branch pipe of the oil pump and fix bolts, having tightened their moment 9—12 Нм.
Establish the oil pallet during 5 mines after drawing of a layer liquid прокладочной mastic (hermetic).
Tighten bolts and nuts of fastening of the oil pallet the moment 9—12 Нм.
Establish and fix bolts 1 ( fig. 3.60 see ) the bottom arm of fastening of the engine and the generator. Tighten bolts the moment 35—41 Нм
Establish and fix bolts 4 ( fig. 3.60 see ) the top arm of fastening of the engine and a sliding collar of the generator. Tighten bolts the moment 35—41 Нм.
Establish and fix the generator bolts and nuts. Tighten the bottom bolt and a nut of fastening of the generator the moment 18—28 Нм.
Establish a generator belt. Tighten an adjusting bolt натяжителя a belt of the generator the moment 18—28 Нм.
Establish an arm of fastening of the engine.
Fig. 3.75. An arrangement of bolts (and and b) fastenings of an arm (1) compressors of the conditioner/pump of the amplifier of a steering
Establish and fix bolts an arm 1 ( fig. 3.75) the compressor of the conditioner/pump of the amplifier of a steering. Tighten bolts and (fig. 75 see) an arm the moment 18—22 Нм, and bolts b the moment 35—41 Нм.
Fig. 3.76. An arrangement of bolts and nuts (and, b, with, d) fastenings of an arm (1) pumps of the amplifier of a steering
Establish and fix bolts/nuts and an adjusting bolt an arm of the pump of the amplifier of a steering 1 ( fig. 3.76).
Tighten a bolt and ( fig. 3.76 see ) a back arm of the pump of the amplifier of a steering the moment 18—22 Нм.
Tighten an adjusting bolt and a nut b ( fig. 3.76 see ) a back arm of the pump of the amplifier of a steering the moment 20—24 Нм.
Establish the conditioner compressor in normal position. Tighten bolts with ( fig. 3.76 see ) the moment 18—22 Нм, and bolts d the moment 20—24 Нм.
Establish a belt of a drive of the pump of the amplifier of steering management/conditioner.
Establish a head of the block of cylinders with inlet both final collectors and the ignition distributor.
Establish coupling and a transmission.
Fill in in the engine engine oil.
Fill in in cooling system cooling liquid.
Fill in a liquid in hydraulic system of the amplifier of a steering and remove air.
Fill a coolant in a central air.
Add oil in a transmission if it is necessary.
Connect "a weight" wire to the storage battery.
Start up the engine.