3.1.15. Repair of a head of the block of cylindersDismantling
Fig. 3.44. Details of a head of the block of cylinders: 1 — a cover маслоналивной mouths; 2 — a cover of a head of the block; 3 — a lining; 4 — the case of the distributor of ignition; 5 — a camshaft; 6 — коромысла final valves; 7 — a lining of a head of the block; 8 — a head of the block of cylinders; 9 — коромысла inlet valves; 10 — the final valve; 11 — the inlet valve
Details of a head of the block of cylinders are presented in drawing 3.44.
Remove a head of the block of cylinders with attached inlet and final collectors.
Fig. 3.45. An arrangement of bolts (1) fastenings of the main arm (2) inlet collectors
Turn out bolts 1 ( fig. 3.45) and remove the main arm 2 inlet collectors.
Fig. 3.46. An arrangement of bolts (1) fastenings of the distributor of ignition and its case (2) and linings (3)
Turn out bolts 1 ( fig. 3.46) and remove the distributor of ignition both its case 2 and a lining 3.
Turn away a nut and remove an inlet collector and a lining.
Turn out bolts and remove a thermoprotective element of a final collector.
Turn away a nut and bolts and remove a final collector and a lining.
Remove an axis коромысел and коромысла in a following order:
Fig. 3.47. Axis removal коромысел and коромысла: 1 — bolts; 2 — springs коромысел; 3 — an axis коромысел; 4 — коромысла
- Remove springs 2 коромысел;
- Remove an axis 3 коромысел;
- Remove коромысла 4.
Remove a camshaft in a following order:
Fig. 3.48. Camshaft removal: 1 — a bolt; 2 — a plate of fixing of a camshaft; 3 — a camshaft; 4 — a forward epiploon of a camshaft
- Remove a plate of 2 fixings of a camshaft;
- Remove a camshaft 3.
The note
At camshaft removal take care of prevention царапания or damages.
Remove a forward epiploon 4 camshafts from an epiploon nest.
Remove crackers of valves in a following order:
Fig. 3.49. Use of the tool for installation of springs of valves 09916—14510, and also adaptations 09916—48210 for compression of springs of valves (1) and removals of crackers (2)
- Using the tool for installation of springs of valves 09916—14510, and also the adaptation 09916—48210, press on springs of valves 1 ( fig. 3.49);
- Remove crackers of 2 valves.
Remove lock washers of springs of valves and a spring of valves.
Remove the valve.
Remove маслоотражательные caps.
Remove a nest of a spring of the valve.
Arrange a stripper of the directing plug of the valve 09916—44910 on the directing plug of the valve. Strike a hammer and remove directing plug of the valve from the combustion chamber in a direction to the established springs of valves, using a stripper of the directing plug of the valve 09916—44910.
The prevention
The removed directing plugs of valves should be replaced on new with the big size. After removal of directing plugs of valves it is impossible to admit their reuse.
Check, measurement and adjustment
Measure cam height, using a micrometer. Replace a camshaft, if the measured size less nominal. The height of cams of a camshaft is resulted in tab. 3.1.
Table 3.1 Height of cams of a camshaft
The name
Cam height, mm
The nominal
Maximum permissible
Inlet valves
Final valves
By the indicator of hour type measure radial palpation of a camshaft. Replace a camshaft if the measured size is more than 0,03 mm.
Fig. 3.50. Measurement of internal diameter of apertures of a head of the block of cylinders in various four places and numbering of necks of bearings of a camshaft
Measure external diameter of each neck in four various places. Нутромером measure internal diameter of apertures (an arrangement of necks of a camshaft) heads of the block of cylinders in various four places ( fig. 3.50). The backlash makes a difference between external diameter of a neck of a camshaft and internal diameter of apertures of a head of the block of cylinders. Rating value of an axial backlash of a camshaft of 0,05-0,091 mm, maximum permissible value — 0,15 mm. Replace a camshaft (or a head of the block of cylinders if it is necessary) if the backlash exceeds maximum permissible size. Diameters of necks of a camshaft and apertures in a head of the block of cylinders are resulted in tab. 3.2.
Table 3.2 Diameters of necks of a camshaft and apertures in a head of the block of cylinders
The name
External camshaft necks, mm
Internal apertures in a head of the block of cylinders, mm
The standard
Maximum permissible
The standard
Maximum permissible
The standard
Maximum permissible
The standard
Maximum permissible
Fig. 3.51. Measurement of palpation of an axis коромысел
Measure axis palpation коромысел, using the V-shaped block and the indicator of hour type ( fig. 3.51). Replace an axis коромысел if the measured size of palpation is more 0,10 mm.
Measure a backlash between коромыслами and an axis коромысел and external diameter of an axis коромысел, using a micrometer. Нутромером measure internal diameter of apertures in коромыслах. The backlash makes a difference between internal diameter and external diameter. Rating value of a backlash of 0,005 0,040 mm, maximum permissible value — 0,06 mm. If a difference between internal diameter and external diameter more maximum permissible, replace an axis коромысел or коромысла.
Measure a backlash between a core of the valve and the directing plug of the valve and external diameter of a core of the valve, using a micrometer. Нутромером measure internal diameter of apertures in the directing plug of the valve. Calculate a difference between external diameter of a core of the valve and internal diameter of an aperture of the directing plug of the valve. Diameters of cores of valves and apertures of the directing plug of the valve are resulted in tab. 3.3.
Table 3.3 Diameters of cores of valves and apertures of the directing plug of the valve
The name
The sizes
The nominal
Maximum permissible
Diameter external a valve core, mm
Inlet valves
Final valves
Diameter internal apertures of the directing plug of the valve, mm
Inlet valves
Final valves
Backlash between a core and the plug, mm
Inlet valves
Final valves
- иведены in tab. 3.3.
At absence нутромера, measure a backlash, using the indicator of hour type, having established a measuring tip on an end face of a core of the valve established in the directing plug and moving a valve core to one or other party. Maximum permissible value of moving of 0,14 mm for inlet valves and 0,18 mm — for final valves.
Replace the valve or directing plug of the valve, if the measured size more maximum permissible.
Remove all deposit from the valve. Check up the valve on deterioration, обгорание or palpation and if it is necessary replace it.
Check up an end face of a core of each valve on deterioration. At work of the engine because of constant contact коромысла with a core of the valve the end face of a core of the valve can wear out. If it is necessary, перешлифуйте this part within 0,05 mm or replace the valve.
Fig. 3.52. Measurement of lateral palpation of a working edge of a plate of the valve
Measure lateral palpation of a working edge of a plate, using the indicator of hour type and the V-shaped block and slowly turn the valve ( fig. 3.52). Replace the valve if the measured size exceeds 0,08 mm.
Measure width of a working edge of a plate of the valve. Clear the valve and a saddle of the valve and apply a thin film a red paint on a surface of contact of the valve with a saddle. Good contact means identical width of contact within the nominal size equal of 1,46-1,66 mm.
Remove all deposit from combustion chambers on a head of the block of cylinders. Be convinced that in inlet and final apertures of a head of the block of cylinders, the chamber of combustion and on a surface of a head of the block of cylinders with saddles of valves there are no scratches.
Fig. 3.53. Use of a metal ruler and щупа (1) for planeness measurement привалочной surfaces of a head of the block of cylinders
Using a metal ruler and щуп 1 ( fig. 3.53), check up planeness привалочной surfaces of a head of the block of cylinders. If the deviation from planeness exceeds 0,05 mm, it is necessary перешлифовать a head.
Using a metal ruler and щуп, check up planeness привалочных surfaces of collectors. If the deviation from planeness exceeds 0,10 mm, it is necessary перешлифовать or to replace a head.
Fig. 3.54. Measurement of height (1) springs in a free condition
The weakened springs of valves can cause vibration of valves, reduction of target capacity, the leak of gases caused by fall of density of contact of a plate of the valve with a saddle. Measure spring height in a free condition ( fig. 3.54). Replace springs of the valves which height is less 53,40 mm.
Fig. 3.55. Measurement прямоугольности springs
Measure прямоугольность each spring, using a plate and a rectangle ( fig. 3.55). Replace springs, the deviation from (прямоугольности) which perpendicularity exceeds 2,4 mm.
Before installation of the new directing plug of the valve in a head of the block of cylinders, expand an aperture of the plug with 11-millimetric development 09916—38210 for removal of agnails. Be convinced that apertures of directing plugs of valves have no ovality.
Establish directing plugs of valves in a following order:
- In regular intervals warm up a head of the block of cylinders to temperature 80—100 With without deforming a head of the block and enter the plug into an aperture, using the tool for installation of the directing plug of the valve 09916 58210 and the adaptation to the tool for installation of the directing plug of the valve 09917—88220;
Fig. 3.56. Installation of the directing plug of the valve (1) and выступание plugs (2) from a head of the block of cylinders
- Establish the new directing plug of the valve 1 ( fig. 3.56);
- After installation выступание 2 plugs from a block head, should be equal 14,0 mm.
The prevention
Do not suppose a reuse of the removed directing plugs of valves, replace them on new with a size big with 0,03 mm.
Develop an aperture of the directing plug of the valve development 09916—37320 (5 mm).
Establish new маслоотражательные caps of valves in a following order:
- Establish saddles of springs of valves;
- Establish new маслоотражательные caps on directing plugs of valves;
- Check up that маслоотражательные caps are fixed properly.
The prevention
Do not suppose a reuse removed маслоотражательных caps; replace them with the new. At installation маслоотражательных caps, never beat a hammer on the tool. Establish маслоотражательный a cap on directing plug of the valve only a hand, pressing on the special tool. Blow on маслоотражательному to a cap can become the reason of its damage.
Put an engine oil layer on cores of valves, on маслоотражательные caps and apertures of directing plugs.
Establish the valve in directing plugs of valves.
Establish springs of valves. Each spring of the valve has the top end and the bottom basis. Be convinced that the spring basis reliably sits in a saddle.
Establish persistent washers of springs of valves.
Establish crackers in a following order:
- Using the tool for installation of springs of valves 09916—14510, and also the adaptation 09916—48210, press on springs of valves 1 ( fig. 3.49 see );
- Establish crackers of 2 valves.
Put an engine oil layer on a forward epiploon, on cams and basic necks of a camshaft.
Establish a forward epiploon of a camshaft in a nest of a head of the block of cylinders.
Establish a camshaft in a head of the block of cylinders.
Establish fixing plate of a camshaft and fix its bolt, having tightened its moment 9—12 Нм.
Put an engine oil layer on коромысла and on an axis коромысел.
Fig. 3.57. Axis installation коромысел, коромысел (1) and springs (2) коромысел on a head of the block of cylinders
Establish коромысла and an axis коромысел 1 ( fig. 3.57).
Establish springs коромысел and a short spring 2 third cylinders from outside an admission of the third cylinder and fix their bolts, having tightened their moment 9—12 Нм. Before вворачиванием bolts of fastening of springs коромысел, put on a carving of bolts контровочный the structure interfering their self-unscrewing.
The prevention
Axes коромысел inlet both final valves various and directions of their installations also the various.
Establish a lining of a final collector and a final collector.
Fig. 3.11. An arrangement of a bolt (1) and nuts (2) fastenings of an auxiliary arm (3)
Establish seven nuts and bolts of fastening of a final collector and tighten them in the sequence shown in drawing by 3.11 moment 17—27 Нм.
Establish a thermoprotective casing of a final collector and fix its bolts, having tightened their moment 8—12 Нм.
In the sequence shown on fig. 13, tighten nuts of fastening of an inlet collector the moment 15—19 Нм. To a tightening of nuts of an inlet collector, first of all tighten nuts of an arm of fastening of an inlet collector.
Screw nuts of fastening of an arm of an inlet collector and tighten their moment 15—19 Нм.
Establish the case of the thermostat/distributor of ignition and the distributor of ignition with a lining. Tighten bolts of fastening of the case and the distributor of ignition by the moment 9—12 Нм. Before вворачиванием bolts put on a carving of bolts контровочный the structure interfering their self-unscrewing.
Establish the main arm 2 ( fig. 3.45) an inlet collector see and fix its nuts and bolts 1, having tightened their moment 9—12 Нм. A bolt located from outside of the case of the distributor of ignition, tighten the moment 18—22 Нм.