Daewoo Matiz since 1997 of release
1. The general data
2. Maintenance service
3. The engine
3.1. A mechanical part of the engine
3.1.1. The design description
3.1.2. Possible malfunctions of the engine and methods of their elimination
3.1.3. Diagnostics
3.1.4. The air filter in gathering
3.1.5. A hose and the ventilation valve картера
3.1.6. An inlet collector
3.1.7. A final collector
3.1.8. A gear belt
3.1.9. The oil pallet
3.1.10. The oil pump
3.1.11. A head of the block of cylinders
3.1.12. An engine mount pillow
3.1.13. A forward pillow of an engine mount
3.1.14. Removal and engine installation
3.1.15. Repair of a head of the block of cylinders
3.1.16. The block of cylinders, a cranked shaft, pistons and rods
3.2. Cooling system
3.3. An electric equipment
3.4. A control system of the engine
3.5. System of release of the fulfilled gases
4. Transmission
5. A running gear
6. A steering
7. Brake system
8. Systems of heating, ventilation and air-conditioning
9. A body electric equipment
10. A body
11. Schemes электроборудования



3.1.1. The design description

Fig. 3.1. An arrangement of elements of system of greasing of the engine: and — a pulley of a cranked shaft; b — the oil pump; with — the channel; d — the piston; f — коромысла; k — a camshaft; l — the valve; m — the channel; n — the oil filter; about — маслоприемная a pipe

The engine four-cycle, with water cooling and рядным an arrangement of three cylinders with working volume 769 sm3 (68,5х72,0 mm). Engine greasing is carried out under the pressure created by the oil pump трохоидального of type, located on cranked to a shaft from outside a pulley of a cranked shaft and (fig. 3.1). Oil gets the oil pump b through маслоприемную a pipe about and under pressure moves to the oil filter n. The filtered oil moves through two channels to the block of cylinders. Through the channel m oil moves to radical bearings and radical necks of a cranked shaft. Oil from radical bearings of a cranked shaft arrives to шатунным to bearings through the channel drilled in cranked shaft. Then oil is sprayed from a small aperture on the big end of a rod, providing greasing of pistons d, piston rings and walls of cylinders. On the channel with, oil arrives in a head of the block of cylinders and greases коромысла f, the valve l, a camshaft k etc. Through an aperture in an axis коромысел.

Fig. 3.2. A head of the block of cylinders and the valve: and — the inlet valve; b — an axis коромысел; with — коромысло; d — a camshaft; е — the final valve

The head of the block of cylinders is executed from a cast aluminium alloy for improvement of durability, hardness and weight reduction. A camshaft d (fig. 3.2) and an axis коромысел b are located linearly.
The combustion chamber in connection with an inlet collector make the system increasing a turbulence of a fuel mix. In engines the scheme of a cross-section stream at which топливовоздушная the mix arrives in engine cylinders on the one hand the engine is used, and the fulfilled gases leave on the other hand the engine. At such design of the engine the best filling of cylinders топливовоздушной by a mix and removal of products of combustion is reached.
Коромысла with движутся upwards-downwards, closing and opening inlet and and final е valves, turning on an axis коромысел camshaft cams at each stage of an admission and release.
The block of cylinders the greatest detail of the engine, to its external surface all necessary details fasten. In the block of cylinders there are apertures for prevention of an overheat and for greasing of the block of cylinders.
The cranked shaft transforms progress in rotary by means of the rods transferring energy, developed by combustion of a fuel mix. On the one hand the oil pump, a pulley of a cranked shaft and a pulley of a gear belt are attached to a cranked shaft, on the other hand — a nest of an oil epiploon and a flywheel. In order to avoid bends and deformations special grades of high durability became used. Radical bearings are made of an aluminium alloy.
Persistent half rings are located about the radical bearing №3.
Rods are made of the forged steel in the form of I, the bottom head connected to cranked shaft and the top head, connected to a piston finger for a transmission of energy.
The bottom head of a rod demountable, and the top and bottom parts are bolted after installation шатунных bearings.
Pistons are made of an aluminium alloy with high heat conductivity and properly meeting requirements for long and high-speed progress.
Piston rings consist of two компрессионных rings and one маслосъемного rings and are established in flutes of the piston for maintenance of high speed of progress and tightness creation in the cylinder. It is the important detail for maintenance of a compression, absence of consumption of oil and pressure transfer.
The piston finger of "floating" type шарнирно connects the piston to the top head of a rod. The piston can freely turn both in the top head of a rod, and in piston lugs. Axial moving of a finger is limited to two steel rings. The finger is used for a transmission of energy from a piston head to a rod.
The gear belt connects a pulley of a camshaft and a pulley of a cranked shaft. The gear belt co-ordinates rotation of a cranked shaft with a camshaft and provides their synchronised rotation. The gear belt also puts in action the water pump.
Натяжитель a belt properly supports a tension of a gear belt. The gear belt is made of the elastic strengthened rubber and does not demand some greasing.
The engine mount is intended for absorption or fall of vibration of the engine and pushes from roughnesses of a road covering. The engine mount is fixed in forward, back and right parts of the engine, and one suspension bracket is attached from outside transmissions.

To return back
3.1. A mechanical part of the engine
On the following page
3.1.2. Possible malfunctions of the engine and methods of their elimination